Changing Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth
Founded over twenty years ago in 2004 by pastor, biblical counselor, educator, and author, Dr. Bob Kellemen, RPM Ministries exists to equip pastors, lay people, educators, students, and biblical counselors to become Gospel-Centered/Christ-Centered, Theologically-Saturated, Relationship-Focused, Church History-Informed, Research-Aware Soul Physicians of Embodied-Souls.

Books by Dr. Kellemen
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Proud Public Condemnation or Humble Personal Curiosity?
Sadly, in our online Christian world, we seem to prefer proud public condemnation over humble personality curiosity.

The Ancient Paths of Christian Soul Care: Timeless Truth for Our Changing Times
What can the 50-year-young modern nouthetic biblical counseling movement learn from the 2,000-year-old ancient paths of Christian soul care?

8 Wisdom Literature Resources for Biblical Counseling, Trauma, and Embodied-Souls
Here are 8 resources distilled from Old Testament wisdom literature about traumatic-suffering and embodied-souls.