Is Life Trying to Kill the Dream You’ve Dreamed?

Not since Paul Potts shocked the world with his amazing singing two years ago on Britain’s Got Talent, have we seen anything akin to this performance!

Unassuming, unemployed, shy, and a tad nervous, forty-seven-year-old Susan Boyle strolled uncomfortably onto the show’s stage. To the smirks of the judges and the disapproving giggles of the crowd, she introduced her dream: to be a professional singer of the stature of Elaine Paige. When the tittering died down, she announced she would sing “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables.

Shock and Awe

The look of shock and awe on Simon Cowell’s face as he did a double-take at her talent was worth a million pounds in itself. As Simon recovered, his co-judges, Piers and Amanda, were giving Susan a standing ovation.

Piers told her, “Without a doubt that was the biggest surprise I have had in three years. When you stood there with that cheeky grin and said ‘I want to be like Elaine Paige’ everyone was laughing at you. No-one is laughing now, that was stunning. I am reeling from shock.”

Amanda agreed. “I am so thrilled because I know everyone was against you. We are all so cynical but that was a complete wake up call. It was a complete privilege.”

See for Yourself

Watch the amazing video here:

God Is in the Dream Resurrection Business

Susan dreamed a dream, refusing to allow life to kill the dream she dreamed.

What dream does life want to kill for you?

What dream does God want to make come true for you?

What dream does God want to resurrect for you?

Who will you believe—the world or the Word? Satan’s lying, condemning narrative, or your Creator’s truth-shall-set-you-free narrative?

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