There You Go Again:
More Media Bias Against Sarah Palin

President Ronald Reagan, in his debate with President Jimmy Carter, uttered the famous words, “There you go again” to express his conviction that Carter consistently mis-represented Reagan.

As I’ve pondered the contrasting response of the media to Sen. Mel Martinez’ early resignation compared to Gov. Sarah Palin’s early resignation, I couldn’t help but think, “There you go again!”

Now, I am not anti-Mel Martinez. Nor in this post am I addressing whether or not Gov. Palin is “presidential material.”

But here’s the thing. It is clear that the liberal media consistently, unfairly, and viciously attacks and mis-represents Gov. Palin. Their hypocritical response to the resignation of Sen. Martinez is just one recent example.


Let’s compare a little . . .

1. Sen. Martinez is resigning early because of his “faith, family, and country.” Gov. Palin gave the same reasons. Yet she was attacked. Martinez was not.

2. As a Senator, Martinez has no politically elected individual in line to take his place, leaving his constituency at the mercy of a government appointment. Gov. Palin had Lt. Governor Sean Parnell waiting in the wings—an experienced, conservative, elected official. Yet she was attacked. Martinez was not.

3. Sen. Martinez said, “I have no specific plan for my future other than the fact that it’s going to be in private life.” Gov. Palin was similarly open to future possibilities. Yet she was attacked. Martinez was not.

4. Sen. Martinez indicated that since he had previously announced that he would not run for re-election in 2010, that to stay as a lame duck would be a disservice for his constituency. Gov. Palin made very similar statements. Yet she was attacked. Martinez was not.

5. A comparison with another Senator from the past—Bob Dole—is equally instructive. Sen. Dole left his Senate seat early in order to prepare for his run against President Bill Clinton. He was not attacked for being unable to cut it in office. No one ever said that this meant Dole could never handle the pressure of the Presidency.


So just why is the media so vindictive against Gov. Sarah Palin? Why the cruel, unfair, imbalanced attacks?

It’s simple.

The liberal media simply can’t stand a conservative woman—especially a woman who is conservative both politically and religiously.

They can only view her through their biased liberal lenses that tell them that politically and religiously conservative individuals lack intelligence and intellectual curiosity.

Of course, they said the same of President Ronald Reagan.

Of course, they’ve treated Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas the same.

The liberal media elite will do anything to savage the reputation of a committed conservative.

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