Grace and Truth: AACC Day One Reflections

For me, this is really “day two” as I drove down Tuesday (6.5 hours). Tuesday afternoon/evening was fun reconnecting with fellow AACC folks…and trying to remember how to get from Point A to Point Z at the Grand Ole Opry. Personally, I prefer counseling conferences hosted in a local church…for many reasons. But that’s just me.

Wednesday started for me with praying over and reviewing my presentation. I facilitated a three-hour pre-conference on how to develop a biblical counseling method/model. As I always do, I had many built in times for small group interaction to discuss and apply what we were learning.

The group in attendance was very encouraging, very engaged, very hungry and thirsty for relevant, practical ways to use God’s Word to sustain, heal, reconcile, and guide God’s people.

People have already asked, “Is this available in written form?” Yes. Actually, what I presented today is half of my typically day-long seminar on How to Care Like Christ. I have manuscripted that entire seminar, word for word, into an e-document of 20,000 words. How to Care Like Christ: Using the Bible Accurately, Powerfully, and Lovingly in Biblical Counseling and Spiritual Formation. You can get it at:

I then spent most of the afternoon at the BCSFN (Biblical Counseling and Spiritual Formation Network) Booth in the Exhibition area. It was a great chance to meet new friends, to reconnect with old friends, and to tell people about the BCSFN which is one of the Divisions within the AACC.

Then in the evening kick-off plenary event, the music was inspiring with Charles Billingsley, New Song, and Amy Grant. Dr. Tim Clinton shared his heart, including, “tragedy is when we spend our life in things that do not matter.” Pastor Piper concluded the evening with his signature focus on the glory of God’s grace. He challenged all pastors, counselors, and lay people to make counseling all about God and not about us.

The day also was a blast in reconnecting with Capital Bible Seminary students and faculty in the MA in Christian Counseling and Discipleship (MACCD) Department.

Today I’ll be introducing all the BCSFN Track speakers, meeting with friends, and attending several other events.

More later.


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