The Anatomy of Anxiety, Part 15: Five Battle Plans in Your Victory Over Anxiety

Note: For previous posts in this blog mini-series, please visit: 1:, 2:, 3:, 4:, 5:, 6:, 7:, 8:, 9:, 10:, 11:, 12:, 13:, 14:

Does worry, doubt, or fear get the best of you sometimes? Do you wonder where anxiety comes from and how to defeat it in your life and the lives of those you love? Then we need a biblical anatomy of anxiety. And, we need God’s prescription for victory over anxiety.

Biblical Battle Plans

There are no “secret steps” to “quick cures” of anxiety. However, there are practical biblical principles. There are “battle plans” such as:

Battle Plan # 1: Scout Out the “Flip Side” of Anxiety

Feelings of fear ought to be a warning sign to trust God and to take action to protect others. Rather than being terrified of fear, rather than turning to a flight or fight response, in the midst of fearful circumstances turn to a bold choice to trust and protect.

Battle Plan # 2: Recognize Your Strengths that Are Masked by Stuck Anxiety

If you’re struggling with anxiety, it’s not uncommon that you may also be a sensitive person, intuitive, intelligent, analytical, imaginative, creative, a pursuer of excellence. Yes, when these traits get “stuck” in the extreme position, they are … well … maddening. However, when corralled by Christ and for others, they become powerful weapons in kingdom warfare. For example, use your sensitivity to sense danger and then move into tend and befriend behavior, rather then settling in a flinch and fear mood state.

Battle Plan # 3: Learn to Soothe Your Soul in Your Savior

I’m convinced that one of the reasons God designed us with emotions is so that we can be driven to recognize our desperate desire and continuously need for God. Like the Psalmists, learn to lament, to cry out, to beg, to confess…not just sin, but neediness…desperate need for God’s rescue.

Battle Plan # 4: See Christ as Your Sentry

Explore, apply, memorize, meditate upon, paraphrase, and personalize passages about trust, about Christ as your Sentry/Rock/Guard/Protector, such as Psalm 34, Psalm 77, Philippians 4, and 1 Peter 5. Renew your image of Who Christ is.

Battle Plan # 5: See Yourself As Christ’s Sentry

Victory over anxiety requires that we renew our image of Who Christ is and that we renew our image of who we are in Christ. In Christ, we are sentries, guards, and protectors. We are warriors not worriers. Guard the garden. Have dominion over the earth—including over your own emotions. Defend others. Courageously sacrifice even when you are scared to death. You are Christ’s sentry because Christ is your Sentry.

The Rest of the Story

What possible role does sin have in issues of anxiety? I know, it’s an uncomfortable place to go, especially after today’s stirring, encouraging biblical principles. However, we’d dishonor God, dismiss His Word, and diminish our victory over anxiety if we ignored those times and those areas when and where sin becomes entangled with anxiety. In coming posts, we gently speak the truth in love about anxiety. Join us.

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