The Forty-Day Journey of Promise

Day One: From Victims to Victors

Where Do You Find Hope?

When life crushes the dreams you dreamed, where do you find hope? When suffering invades your life, who do you turn to for examples of moving from victim to victor? We uncover amazing examples of moving beyond suffering to God’s healing hope in the narratives of the great cloud of African American witnesses.

The Journey Begins: Soul-Destroyers and Soul-Deliverance

Free born Africans were ripped away from spouses, parents, children, village, and culture by capture. Stripped of everything, overnight they were transformed from farmers, merchants, scholars, artisans, or warriors into possessions. Without family, without status, they were treated as merchandise, as things—a mere extension of their captors’ will.

James Bradley portrays the dehumanization of capture in all its horror in a letter that he wrote in 1834 while a student at Lane Seminary in Cincinnati.

“I think I was between two and three years old when the soul-destroyers tore me from my mother’s arms, somewhere in Africa, far back from the sea. They carried me a long distance to a ship; all the way I looked back and cried.”

Without a doubt, free-born Africans were victims of an inhumane institution. Yet, they were also victors wrestling to maintain their humanity and personhood. But how? In the midst of soul-destroyers, where did they find soul-deliverance? Their “Capture Narratives” tell their tale and provide our answer.

Born Free

“I . . . acknowledge the mercies of Providence in every occurrence of my life.”

These words from the pen of the Christian Olaudah Equiano might seem trite until we realize that they introduce the narrative of his harrowing kidnapping and enslavement.

Equiano was born free in 1745 in the kingdom of Benin on the coast of Africa, then known as Guinea. The youngest of seven children, his loving parents gave him the name Olaudah, signifying favored one. Indeed, he lived a favored life in his idyllic upbringing in a simple and quiet village where his father served as the “chief man” who decided disputes and punished crimes, and where his mother adored him dearly.

Bathed in Tears: Shared Sorrow Is Endurable Sorrow

At age ten, it all came crashing down.

“One day, when all our people were gone out to their works as usual, and only I and my dear sister were left to mind the house, two men and a woman got over our walls, and in a moment seized us both; and, without giving us time to cry out, or make resistance, they stopped our mouths, tied our hands, and ran off with us into the nearest wood: and continued to carry us as far as they could, till night came on, when we reached a small house, where the robbers halted for refreshment, and spent the night.”

His kidnappers then unbound Equiano and his sister. Overpowered by fatigue and grief, they had just one source of relief.

“The only comfort we had was in being in one another’s arms all that night, and bathing each other with our tears.”

Equiano and his sister model a foundational principle for moving from victim to victors—weeping together. Shared sorrow is endurable sorrow.

Far too often we rush in with words before we enter one another’s sad stories of suffering. Our hurting friends need our silence, not our speeches. The shed tear and the silent voice provide great enrichment for our spiritual friends.

Join the Conversation (Post a Comment for a Chance to Receive a Copy of Beyond the Suffering)

1. What do you think and feel as you read Bradley and Equiano’s stories?

2. How could your ministry deepen if you empathetically bathed others in your tears?

Note: The Journey is our forty-day blog series where we’ll learn life lessons from the legacy of African American Christianity. This series is based upon material from my book Beyond the Suffering. If you’d like to learn more about Beyond the Suffering, click here.

Olaudah Equiano


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