Our Forgiving Father Embraces Us

In the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:20, the father sees his younger son, is filled with compassion, runs to him, throws his arms around him, and kisses him repeatedly! This is not the biblical image of God that most committed Christians maintain. Somehow we have bought the lie that God is aloof, distant, uncaring, non-relational.

Personally, I bought that lie for years. In fact, I had been a Bible college graduate, a seminary graduate, and I was in my second pastoral ministry before I finally began to grasp God’s grace and love for me. I knew that God forgave me, but I pictured Him only like a Judge Who says, “You’re forgiven, now get out of My court room!” I thought God forgave me, but I didn’t realize that He really loved me, wanted me, liked me.

It took me years as a Christian finally to understand that God is not only my forgiving Judge; He’s also my forgiving Father. Slowly, little by little, I began to get it. So that now I see God as my Father Who says, “I forgive you because I love you. I love you so much that I gave My only Son to die for you. That’s how much I long for a relationship with you!”

And you? Do you believe that the God of the universe races to you impetuously, overjoyed and delighted to see you, falling down on your neck to embrace you, eagerly throwing Himself upon you, pressing His chest close to yours, and kissing you repeatedly? Do you get it that God is not only your forgiving Judge; He is also your forgiving Father Who loves you passionately, Who likes you, Who wants a relationship with you?

If we think of this theologically, Jesus is picturing not only justification, but also reconciliation. In justification, the Bible teaches us that God the just Judge forgives us our sins because He has placed on sins on Christ and He has placed Christ’s righteousness on us. That’s the amazing grace of justification. But there’s more to the biblical story of our salvation. That “more” includes reconciliation. The just Judge takes off His Judge’s robes and puts on His fatherly attire. We move from the courtroom to the living room. The Judge Who forgives us is also our Father Who loves us, Who invites us into His home, into intimate relationship with Himself.

Throughout this parable, Jesus is saying, “Look, look at the Father! Look at Him for the first time all over again. This is why I died. This is why I rose again. The Father longed to build a bridge over which He would run to you and throw His arms around you, embracing you, encompassing you, engulfing you with His forgiving love!”

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Have you bought the lie, also? Is your image of God biblical or sub-biblical?


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