Leaving a Legacy of Loving Leaders

Note: You’re reading Part Two of a three part blog mini-series introducing four how-to’s of equipping. Read Part One, Want to Change Lives? Read Part Two, The 4E Ministry Training Strategy.

The Big Picture: Passing the Baton of Ministry

I dread seeing great effort expended on “programs” that don’t launch or don’t last. So for the past quarter-century I’ve focused on answering the questions, “How do we effectively disciple the Body of Christ for one another ministry in the church and to the community?” “How do we pass the baton of ministry?”

To paint for you the big picture of the ministry skills we need for “4E Ministry,” imagine with me passing the baton in a four-lap relay.

Lap One: Envisioning God’s Ministry—Core Values

Here’s what we learn in lap one—envisioning God’s ministry: How to jointly create a church-wide or ministry-specific Mission, Vision, Passion, and Commission Statement (MVP-C) that nourishes the compassion, conviction, and connection needed to launch flourishing training ministries. To continue the relay race metaphor, we learn to discern if we’re running in the right direction—core values. It does no good to equip people for the wrong purposes for your church and community. That’s why we need clarity about God’s calling.

I understand that some of you have spent countless hours in relatively unproductive “vision catching/casting” training. Learn why such sessions often fall flat and fall short of producing real congregational change. More importantly, learn how to facilitate relationship-building gatherings that excite people about mutually discovering and co-creating a powerful MVP-C Statement that results in a practical MAP—Ministry Action Plan. 

Lap Two: Enlisting God’s Ministers for Ministry—Committed People

Here’s what we learn in lap two—enlisting God’s ministers for ministry: How to mobilize ministers by birthing a family and building a team recruited to the MVP-C statement, prepared for change, and skilled in conflict resolution. Learn to discern if the right people are running the right lap in the relay race—committed people. It does no good to launch a ministry if your people are not passionately onboard. That’s why we need communication with the congregation.

I understand that some of you have spent endless hours in relatively non-relational “recruiting.” Learn how to move from “panic recruiting of warm bodies to a program,” to relational enlisting of like-minded, committed servant-leaders to a captivating vision. Of course, even the best laid plans can face bumps in the road and even the best prepared runners can stumble when jostled by other participants. So learn something else—something vital that far too many training curriculums omit—strategic change management and biblical conflict resolution.

Lap Three: Equipping Godly Ministers for Ministry—Coached People

Here’s what we learn in lap three—equipping godly ministers for ministry: How to apply transformational training strategies that comprehensively address the “4Cs” of biblical Content, Christlike Character, relational Competence, and Christian Community. Learn to discern how to ensure that every race participant is a skilled runner—coached people. It does no good, and potentially much harm, to send ill-equipped people into the personal ministry of the Word. That’s why we need comprehensive equipping.

I understand that some of you have spent wasted hours in relatively boring and haphazard training. Instead, learn how to creatively and biblically unite the “4Cs” of one another ministry equipping. Learn how to train the head (truth), the heart (love), and the hands (skills) in the context of the home (relationship).

Lap Four: Employing/Empowering Godly Ministers for Ministry—Comprehensive Strategy

Here’s what we learn in lap four—employing/empowering godly ministers for ministry: How to oversee the ongoing “organizing of the organism” by leading ministries that are built to last, that grow from good to great, and that leave a legacy of loving leaders. Learn to discern if the runners are running on all cylinders—comprehensive strategy. It does no good, and wastes boatloads of time, to envision, enlist, and equip, only to stop short of the ongoing “ad-ministering of the ministry.”

I understand that some of you experience a spontaneously negative reaction to words like “organizing,” “administrating,” and “programs”—because it all sounds, and often is, so un-relational. I get it. That’s why we need to learn how to organize the organism, ad-ministrate the ministry, and personalize the programs. Learn relational leadership that leaves a legacy of loving leaders. You have all of these train folks, now what do you do with them? How do you equip people in a caring way that builds community? How do you be a community as you impact your community?

“These Are Your Grandbabies!”

Sister Ellen Barney is the “First Lady” (Sr. Pastor’s wife) of a large, predominantly African American church just outside of Baltimore, Maryland. She has implemented the 4E Ministry Training Strategy for over a decade to equip over 500 women in her “LEAD” (Lay Encouragers And Disciplers”) Ministry.

They do it up big! Their graduation ceremonies are better than many colleges. I remember one of the first times I was invited to be their commencement speaker. As Sister Ellen introduced me, she looked over the crowd of over 50 graduates, and she said, with a wave of her hand, “These are your grandbabies Dr. Kellemen! You trained me and I trained them!” Now, years later, as Sister Ellen has trained trainers who train others, I’m told, “Dr. Kellemen, these are your great-great-great-grandbabies!”

Do you want to be a spiritual grandparent—equipping equippers? Learn more about the 4E Ministry Training Strategy.

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