The Best of the Best Around the Christian Net: This Week’s Top 5

Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.

The Word Became Flesh

In the spirit of the Christmas season, Trevin Wax posts a deeply meaningful poem about the true meaning of Christmas. Meditate on it at The Word Became Flesh.

The Bible in 47 Passages

The Austin Stone Community Church has created a wonderful presentation using 47 passages from the Bible to tell the storyline of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Justin Taylor provides an introduction and links at The History of Redemption.

Matt Chandler One Year Later

It was a year ago that Pastor Matt Chandler endured eight hours of brain surgery. He shares an amazing testimony to God’s grace at One Year Later.

Church: For Ourselves or for Others?

The good folks at Desiring God always ask tough questions. In this post Every Church Must Make a Decision, they ask whether church is about the congregation or about the congregation serving others.

What Is the Gospel?

Seems like a simple yet foundational question, right? “What is the Gospel?” Pastor Tullian Tchividjian asks and answers that question in The Tri-Centrality of the Gospel.

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Which post impacted you the most? Why? What blog posts have you enjoyed this week that you want to share with others?


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