Five to Live By: The Penn State Edition

Five to Live By: The Penn State Edition Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Today’s Five to Live By focuses on the horrendous sexual abuse of young boys by a former Penn State...

Five Hallmarks of Fundamentalist Atheism

Five Hallmarks of Fundamentalist Atheism Increasingly in public writings men like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens display what might best be described as “fundamentalist atheism.” Others describe their views as the “new atheism.” Some call them “angry...

Protecting the Powerless

Protecting the Powerless Two recent incidents in the news, along with several testimonies from my most recent seminar, have me focused on protecting the powerless. Inexcusable, Disconcerting News Out of Penn State  Longtime assistant football coach at Penn State,...
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