22 Biblical Counseling Skills
People often ask me, “Once you begin to understand the Bible’s teaching on Christian living and biblical counseling, how do you learn to actually help people to deal with their suffering and sin?”
You can’t answer that question in a sentence. In fact, it took me a whole book to begin to answer that question. In Spiritual Friends I provide a training manual equipping counselors for 22 biblical counseling skills. You can learn more about the book at my Spiritual Friends page.
Spiritual Friends follows a historic biblical soul care model of sustaining and healing for suffering and sanctification (parakaletic biblical counseling) and reconciling and guiding for sin and sanctification (nouthetic biblical counseling). Here’s the outline.
Sustaining Relational Competencies: GRACE
G—Grace Connecting: Committed Involvement
R—Rich Soul Empathizing: Climbing in the Casket
A—Accurate/Active Spiritual Listening: Faith-Drenched Alertness
C—Caring Spiritual Conversations: Sustaining Theological Trialogues
E—Empathetic Scriptural Explorations: Sustaining Biblical Trialogues
Healing Relational Competencies: RESTS
R—Relational Treatment Planning: Mutuality in Hope Building
E—Encouraging Communication: Hope-Based Interactions
S—Story Reinterpreting: Co-Authoring Resurrection Narratives
T—Thirsts Spiritual Conversations: Healing Theological Trialogues
S—Stretching Scriptural Explorations: Healing Biblical Trialogues
Reconciling Relational Competencies: PEACEE
P—Probing Theologically: Theory-Guided Awareness
E—Exposing through Confronting Wisely: Disclosing Discrepancies
A—Active Softening of Stubbornness: Loosening Resistance to Repentance
C—Connecting Intimately: Relating in the Moment
E—Enlightening Spiritual Conversations: Reconciling Theological Trialogues
E—Empowering Scriptural Explorations: Reconciling Biblical Trialogues
Guiding Relational Competencies: FAITHH
F—Faith-Based Interventions: New Covenant Living
A—Activating Envisioned Maturity: Stirring Up God’s Gifts
I—Insight-Oriented Treatment Planning: Collaborative Spiritual Direction
T—Taking Action: Homework That Works
H—Holiness Spiritual Conversations: Guiding Theological Trialogues
H—Heroic Scriptural Explorations: Guiding Biblical Trialogues
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How do you answer the question, “Once you begin to understand the Bible’s teaching on Christian living and biblical counseling, how do you learn to actually help people to deal with their suffering and sin?”
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