Equipping for Ministry—Just a Brain Dump? 

This week I’ll be leading a counseling lab small group at Faith Bible Seminary 

I have one main premise when I lead this lab: 

You learn biblical counseling by giving and receiving biblical counseling in community. 

Yes, we’ll learn a lot of ministry content using Spiritual Friends 

But no, we don’t stop at truth. 


The Bible doesn’t stop at truth. 

Passages like Ephesians 4:15; 1 Thessalonians 2:8; Philippians 1:9; and Romans 15:14 all teach that all ministry involves truth and love. 

Not Just a Brain Dump 

Far too much ministry training is just a brain dump. 

We act as if equipping for Christlike ministry involves opening the cranium and pouring in info. 


That’s why Spiritual Friends is designed to facilitate an interactive small group lab format. We’ll use the book as our guide to facilitate not simply role play counseling but real life counseling.  

In the context of a safe, confidential, trusting small group, we’ll each (myself included as the professor) have numerous opportunities to be “real and raw.”  

We’ll place ourselves on “the hot seat” where instead of staying in the safety of a lecture environment, we’ll say, “Here’s what’s going on in my life, I invite you in.” 

You Can Do It Too 

If you’d like to train others for one-another ministry in a way that’s much more than a brain dump, then download your free copy of the Spiritual Friends Educator Packet PDF Document or the Spiritual Friends Educator Packet Word Document 

The Rest of the Story 

Return tomorrow when we ask, One-Another Ministry—Just the UPS Delivery Guy? 

Join the Conversation 

What is missing if we train people for ministry as “just a brain dump”? 

RPM Ministries: Equipping You to Change Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth

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