On Friday, June 4, my dear wife, Shirley, suffered a hemorrhagic (bleed rather than a clot) stroke. I’ve been providing updates on my Facebook personal page. Here they are in chronological order. Please be praying for Shirley.
Saturday, June 5, 2021: Please Pray
Please pray for my dear wife Shirley. On Friday, Shirley had a hemorrhagic stroke (a bleed rather than a clot). Shirley is in ICU alert and talking, but with no movement on her left side at this point. Please pray for the blood on Shirley’s brain to naturally (supernaturally) dissipate (rather than needing surgery). And please pray for recovery of the use of her left side. And pray that we would entrust our lives to our loving heavenly Father. This picture is from just a week ago–during our 40th anniversary vacation.
Monday, June 7, 2021: Genesis 16
Monday Update for Prayer for Shirley: I will seek to use this FB personal page for updates. Shirley remains stable with no additional bleeding, which is very important with this form of a stroke. Today they will do an angiogram to seek to determine the cause and best treatment. Shirley has none of the risk factors for this type of bleeding stroke nor did she have a fall. So the doctors are mystified as to the cause. Pray that this test will provide medical direction. Shirley asked me this morning to read to her from Genesis 16 about how Hagar “saw the God who sees her.” I also read Psalm 42:1-5 about how we thirst for God like a deer thirsts for water. On my way in today, I saw a deer standing on the side of the road looking right at me. Shirley called me with a list of 24 items she wanted me to bring in for her and she knew the exact spots throughout our home where I could find them. This speaks to Shirley’s great cognitive focus and to her healthy self care. Many positives, yet please keep praying as this was a “significant bleed” (how the doctors all describe this stroke), and Shirley still has no movement on her left side. They have already started Physical therapy which is encouraging. Thank you for your prayers and love.
Second Update on Monday, June 7, 2021: Clinging to Christ
Second Update on Monday for Shirley Kellemen Here are the results of the cerebral angiogram. Shirley came out of it fine, and with her sense of humor intact: asking me to sneak her in some Pepsi! The neurosurgeon did not detect any specific abnormality or cause. He said in this type of stroke that 30 to 40% of the time they never identify a specific cause. They will do other non-invasive tests in the coming days. In a month they will do another cerebral angiogram. He said overall everything came back normal. He believes that Shirley has seen the worst of this, and that she would slowly improve day by day, and would need extensive physical therapy. Humanly speaking, this is the most encouraged we have been since Friday. Spiritually speaking, we are seeking to cling to Christ second by second.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021: HELP Prayer
Wednesday Update on Shirley Kellemen The plan is for Shirley to transfer today from ICU to the neurology floor. That is a sign of continued progress. You can pray for Shirley by using the word “Help.” H: Healing for Shirley’s body and brain. E: Encouragement for Shirley’s soul. L: Love–that Shirley would experience her heavenly Father’s great love for her. P: Peace–that Shirley would rest in the peace of the Prince of Peace. Thank you. Shirley told me this morning that she “wants to be like Mary, not Martha, and focus on worshipping Jesus.”
Friday, June 11, 2021: “Lord, I Need You”
Friday Update on Shirley: Shirley was transferred from ICU to the Neurology floor–this is a good sign of continued progress. The prayer focus is that Shirley continues to improve medically and by mid-week next week she could be transferred to a Medical Intensive Rehabilitation Facility for a month-long stay focused on physical therapy and occupational therapy. Nights are hard for Shirley as family members are not allowed to stay from 8 PM to 8 AM, so please pray for peace for Shirley at night. Shirley had me print out and bind (Shirley is so focused) in large print many of her favorite Bible verses, as well as the lyrics to some of her favorite Christian music. Last night her dear nurse, Garrett, read the verses to Shirley and even found and played two of the songs for Shirley (“All Your Anxieties” and “Lord, I Need You”)! Shirley has some movement in her left foot, which the Medical Director of Rehabilitation Services said was an amazing and very hope-giving sign after just five days! The picture below is from a couple of years back when Shirley and I were at a Cubs game.
Monday, June 14: Psalm 46:1
Monday, June 14 Update on Shirley Kellemen Shirley has had a good weekend with further progress including a little movement in her left leg and feeling returning in her left arm. Please pray for ongoing overall health continuing to stabilize so that Shirley could be transferred possibly mid-week from the hospital to a month-long stay at a medical intensive rehab unit. One of the Bible verses Shirley is focusing on is Psalm 46:1. “God is our refuge and strength. He is an ever-present HELP in trouble.” The picture is of a get-well craft that was made for Grandma Shirley by our four-year-old granddaughter, Phoebe.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021: We Renewed Our Vows
Wednesday, June 16 Update on Shirley: The process is in the works for Shirley to transfer from the hospital to a medical intensive rehab facility–sometime in the next day or so. This is great news! Yesterday, Shirley Kellemen and I renewed our vows! Shirley was having PT, sitting on the side of her hospital bed, and the PT asked me to kneel in front of her so Shirley could have a focal point. Since I was on one knee, I asked Shirley if she would remarry me! She said “Yes!” From memory, we repeated parts of our vows, including “in sickness and in health.” Since I’m an ordained minister, I pronounced us “Husband and Wife Again!” We have 3 witnesses: the PT, the PT Assistant, and a PT student. The young student said, “I will never forget the two of you. That was amazing!” God is amazing. And Shirley is incredible. Please keep praying. This is a long-haul of PT, OT, and ST. The picture was from 40 years ago; we didn’t get a pic of our renewal of vows yesterday. But we’ll forever picture it in our minds. Also, our reading yesterday in Scotty Smith’s book of prayers was on Christ as our Groom. Shirley and I enjoyed picturing that ultimate wedding in Revelation 19–what a great coming day!
Friday, June 19: “It’s Jesus in Me.”
Friday, June 19 Update on Shirley: Two weeks after Shirley’s stroke, she has been officially accepted to UW Acute Rehab (for at least a 21-day stay). There is no bed available until Monday, June 22, but that’s fine because the neurology floor here at Valley Medical has been wonderful–the nurses, the PCAs, the doctors, the OT, PT, ST. But the good news is Shirley has already recovered enough to be medically ready for discharge and transfer for the next stage of her rehab! Shirley has been remarkable through all of this. And people take notice of her positive attitude and of her genuine kindness. And Shirley always replies, “It’s not me; it’s Jesus in me.”
Friday/Saturday, June 19-20: A Double Rainbow Reminder
How amazing is our God! I took this picture four years ago this very day from our home in Indiana. I captioned it by talking about this double rainbow as a beautiful reminder of our heavenly Father’s constant faithfulness. God knew four years ago (and 4,000 years ago and beyond) that Shirley and I would need this reminder today. God is good. He’s good all the time.
Sunday, June 20: Shirley’s Scriptures
Shirley has been meditating on the following passages—typed in large print and at her bedside. Shirley wanted to share these precious Scriptures with you. Here’s the link to a post with all of these passages.
Tuesday, June 22: UW Acute Rehab
Tuesday, June 22, Shirley Update: We’re here! UW Acute Rehab. The next stage of Shirley’s recovery begins today. They say, “Think in terms of weeks and months, not days.” So there’s a long haul ahead, but we are so thankful for where Shirley is today compared to Friday, June 4. We are also so thankful for the incredible team of Doctors, Nurses, PCAs, OTs, PTs, and STs at Valley Medical. We’re looking forward to the same at UW! Thank you for your continued
prayers. Addition: After just 2 hours, we’re already very impressed with the stroke-specific expertise Shirley will receive at UW.
Thursday, July 1: “Look Left; Look Up!”
Thursday, July 1 Update on Shirley: UW Rehab has approved our request for extended rehab–for a total of 28 days. Shirley is working so hard in “boot camp” seeking to regain her use of her left side. For a deeper dive into what this has been like for Shirley spiritually and emotionally, check out: Look Left; Look Up! Let’s remind each other throughout each day to ‘look up to God.’ https://bit.ly/1Left1Up Thank you for praying for Shirley.
Saturday, July 10: “Joyful Shirley”
July 10 Shirley Update: Shirley’s stay at UW Acute Rehab has been going well. Intense therapy keeps Shirley occupied from 8 AM to 4 PM every day. Shirley is working hard to regain her mobility on her left side–but as we’ve said, it will be months, not weeks. We’re thankful for men from our church designing, building, and paying for two wheelchair ramps to access our home and backyard. We’re thankful that my sister, Kathy, a nurse, will be home with us the first week after Shirley is discharged from UW on July 20. And we’re thankful that on Sunday a woman from our church will come to the hospital to provide Shirley with a free haircut and style! Here’s a pic from this morning of sweet, smiling, joyful Shirley in her Cubs’ cap and San Diego Zoo shirt.
Sunday, July 18: Thankful
Shirley Update Sunday, July 18: Shirley will be coming home Tuesday, July 20! Since our last update on July 10, progress is similar–slow but sure. As we’ve said from the beginning–regaining mobility on the left side will be months, not weeks. We’re thankful for the excellent rehab at UW, thankful for upcoming home rehab with Evergreen (PT and OT), thankful for a family from church building and paying for front and back wheelchair ramps, thankful for 100s and 100s of praying/caring friends, thankful my sister, a nurse, will be with us the first week and our nephew, an EMT, will be with us the second week, thankful our daughter, Marie, will be living with us the next 6 months to help, and thankful for Christ’s grace and strength in our lives over the past 6 weeks. Please pray for patience and perseverance and continued physical progress as we transition to rehab at home. The Picture: “Squirrely Bob and Squirrely Shirley”: gifts from me to Shirley that have kept Shirley company overnight after I or Marie have to leave at 8 PM.
Sunday, July 25: The Lord’s Provision
Sunday, July 25 Shirley Update: Shirley has been home for 5 days. With the help of our daughter, Marie, and my sister, Kathy (a nurse), and the Lord’s care and provision, Shirley is doing very well. PT and OT have started at home. Plus, with what we’ve learned, we’ve done our own home PT/OT, including celebrating Shirley’s great progress towards walking with a cane and minimal assistance! This picture is of Shirley enjoying our backyard thanks to our beautiful wheelchair ramps! Thank you all for your prayers and your care.
Monday, July 26: Mt. Rainier: Big and Near
Our first outing–to one of our favorite places–the trails at Green River College leading to an amazing view of Mt. Rainier. We keep saying, “Mt. Rainier, Big and Near.” It’s our reminder that God is “big and near”–majestic and merciful.
Tuesday, August 10: Cucumber Ball
Shirley Update August 10: “Cucumber Ball”: Shirley invented a new game, named by our daughter, Marie, as “Cucumber Ball.” You play it with a Pickleball Racket, no net, a beach ball, and everyone is seated. Other than playing Cucumber Ball, Shirley is hard at work seeking to regain more mobility on her left leg so she can walk with a cane. As far as prayer requests: 1. Pray for regaining of movement and strength in the left hand/arm. 2. Pray for encouragement because while it is wonderful to be home, it is also very difficult to be home and to be so limited on the left side by the effects of the stroke–pray for Shirley as she works through the sadness and the grieving process. 3. Pray for an August 16 MRI of the brain as the neurologists continue to seek to determine the cause of Shirley’s stroke. As for praises: We are thankful for Marie living with us and helping so wonderfully 24/7; we’re thankful for my sister, Kathy, a nurse, spending a week with us and helping so much; thankful for our nephew, Ryan, an EMT, spending a week with us and helping so much; and thankful for our sister-in-law, Kristin, spending a week with us and installing grab bars and new railings throughout our home.
Saturday, September 11: Gratitude
It’s been quite some time since our last update, so here’s our September 11 Shirley update. Shirley’s shirt says it all, “Grateful.” We’re grateful for continued OT and PT and Shirley’s walking with a cane. We’re grateful for our daughter, Marie, living with us and helping sooooo much. We’re grateful for church friends and neighbor friends who have been visiting. We’re grateful for an outing to the zoo with our son, Josh, and his family. Please keep praying for mobility with the left hand/arm. Please pray for patience and trust as we wait on our Good and Loving Heavenly Father for ongoing healing.
Wednesday, October 13: Marie
Happy birthday to our amazing daughter, Marie. She has always been a joyful, fun, giving, kind, sweet, caring, grace-giving, loving person. And now Marie has moved in with us at this time to help Shirley with her recovery and rehab. Marie is our daughter, our dear friend, our biblical counselor, our physical therapist, our occupational therapist, and much more all in one. We love you, Marie!
Tuesday, October 26: Milk and Cookies
Friday, October 29: Left Hand!
October 29 Shirley Update. Shirley is resting comfortably in the recovery room after this morning’s cerebral angiogram. There were no complications. The neurologist said he found nothing abnormal and no pathology. So while we would want to know etiology, he said this is a very positive outcome because it rules out things like brain tumor, aneurysm, and other serious underlying causes. Also, this Wednesday Shirley began being able to squeeze things with her left hand!
Sunday, December 5: Grandkids and Christmas!
Marie took this picture of Shirley and Bob yesterday on December 4, 2021–exactly 6 months from the day of Shirley’s stroke on June 4. We are thankful for every day together. On this day–12/4/21–we had our three granddaughters over and they helped us decorate our house for Christmas; we watched Rudolph, had hot chocolate, watched Frosty, had homemade pizza, played games… “I trust in You, Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in Your hands. Let Your face shine on Your servant; save me in Your unfailing love” (Psalm 31:14-16).
Reading your “Pilgrim’s Progress” reports About Shirley’s recovery was something like reliving the early days after my Wife Rosemary had her stroke many years ago.
It might be a long and, at times a challenging “walk” home for both of you, but you are not walking alone, as you know.
A stroke doesn’t just impact one person. Remember that you, your friends, and even people you have not met are involved either to a large or small extent.
You have already said how the therapists were “there” with both of you. You both will likely discover that “Great cloud of witnesses” that St. Paul talked about.
You ask for prayers for Shirley. You’ve repeated your wedding vows. Here’s a gentle reminder for you, Bob. “And these two shall become one flesh.” Maybe you need to think about that for a bit.
YOU AND Shirley are recovering from a stroke. You and she are in our prayers.
Rosemary’s and my prayers are with you both.
Bob & Shirley
I’m sorry for the season you all are experiencing. The renewed your vows post tearfully reminded me how God is faithful to us! O how He loves us! You both are such deep blessings & I will be praying that through this season our Father’s glory will be manifest in you both for those around you to see Him.
It has impacted me for 20 years how Dr. Pentecost stepped aside from full-time teaching to care for his ailing wife. May your service to Shirley be one of your most impactful lessons for your students. Becky and I will pray today for you and Shirley.
Thanks for the daily updates. Praying often for both of you as well as for your kids and grandkids.
Praying for Shirley, and for you.
I posted some thoughts on preparing for and thereby executing in crises (see my Facebook page for today). Then I read this update. We are all grateful for Shirley’s progress and God’s kind providence in the crises. It is also evident that your lives and ministry has generated the preparation fo the journey we have watched unfolding.
Thank you Jesus, for preparing these dear folks for this journey. May their example contriubte to our preparation, for in some manner, we shall all walk this cirsis.
Praying for Shirley and for you and your family Dr K.
Thank you for the updates. Thank you for the encouragement of your love for one another. Praying for Shirley for HELP.
As we go through this thing called Our Life, Psalm 63, encourages, as too for Shirley.
On my bed I remember You;
And I think of You through the watches of the night.
Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings.
I cling to You;
Your right hand upholds me.
Praying with you dear friends!
So encouraged by her kind and humble words. ‘It’s not me it’s Jesus in me’. Wow what a testimony of God carrying you both through the storms with much purpose in your actions. Love and continue to pray for you all. Thank you for the updates.
I did not know of this until today (June 24th): but am joining in the prayers knowing He is obviously listening and granting recovery by His grace. Having my wife suffering a now 11 year painful muscle-nerve “mystery” issue, I pray for you, too, Bob, because I know how hard it is to watch your wife suffer. : ) Praising God for the progress so far and for that which we don’t yet see, but believe Him for. Yours in Him…
My thoughts and prayers are with you Bob and Shirley. Thanking God for your continued devotion to him through this time.
Praying every day for you and Shirley! Charlie