A Word from Bob

I’ve adapted today’s post from The Annual Guide to Biblical Counseling Resources: 2022 Edition. The Biblical Counseling Coalition now oversees and distributes The Annual Guide. For 2022 (as for 2018-2021), I provided the collation and content for The Annual Guide.

Baker, Ernie. Marry Wisely, Marry Well: A Blueprint for Personal Preparation

Does marriage matter anymore? If so, is it even possible to have a stable marriage? How do you choose the right one? Is there anything to work on now, even before being in a relationship? Marry Wisely, Marry Well teaches you how to start building your future marriage house even before you begin a relationship. Learn to make a wise choice of a spouse, and how to start preparing yourself for a future relationship that is built on Christ.

Green, Rob. Tying the Knot​: A Pre-Marital Guide to a Strong and Lasting Marriage

Tying the Knot offers soon-to-be-married couples a practical vision of Christ-centered marriage that is realistic, hopeful, and actionable. This nine-session study leads couples through issues like conflict, expectations, communication, finances, and intimacy, showing how each can be successfully resolved with Christ at the center of the marriage.

Henderson, John. Catching Foxes: A Gospel-Guided Journey to Marriage

Catching Foxes has been written to help engaged couples prepare for marriage. Written in semi-interactive workbook format, it guides couples toward a Christ-centered and Christ-exalting paradigm for marriage. It lays a biblical foundation for marriage and helps couples better understand what God desires for them and from them in marriage. If you are a pastor or church leader charged with helping couples prepare for marriage, or if you are an engaged couple desiring to identify and catch the “little foxes” before they ruin the vineyard of your marriage (Song of Solomon 2:15), you will find this book very helpful.

Mack, Wayne. Preparing for Marriage God’s Way: A Step-by-Step Guide for Marriage Success Before and After the Wedding

Preparing for Marriage God’s Way is a marriage counseling resource that uses thoughtful self-examination to reveal the personalities, background, and expectations that you and your partner are bringing to your union. Through rigorous Bible study, you will learn about God’s expectations for marriage and be equipped with His solutions for dealing with typical marriage conflicts. Three follow-up lessons after your marriage help you to reflect on all that’s happened after you said, “I do.”

Parks, Catherine. A Christ-Centered Wedding: Rejoicing in the Gospel on Your Big Day

Wedding planning has spawned a major industry. Societal pressure to create the perfect day is so strong that Christian couples forget what God originally intended for the sacred marriage ceremony. While paying attention to the good fun that follows that special proposal (the dress, the flowers, the cake, the gatherings, etc.), A Christ-Centered Wedding serves as a guide to believers who want their wedding to portray the relationship of Christ with the church and to reflect the gospel to all in attendance. From the start, this thoughtful book looks to the Creator of weddings for guidance in planning by emphasizing the sacrificial love of the Savior more than the modern world’s idealistic view of romantic love.

Piper, John. Preparing for Marriage: Help for Christian Couples

Getting to know that special someone includes learning about family and friends and schooling and athletics, favorite pastimes, books, movies, life’s best moments and worst, the brightest places in our background and the darkest. But what about theology? Ever think to ask about that? And then there are the questions about worship and devotion, and the roles of husband and wife—questions that far too many couples don’t think to ask. When preparing for marriage, or even in just beginning to consider it, it is of immense help to have the perspective not only of a seasoned husband of over forty years, but also a seasoned pastor and theologian.

Smith, William. Should We Get Married?: How to Evaluate Your Relationship

You know you’re in love—you always want to be together, and you think about each other all the time—but does that mean you’re ready to get married? How do you decide if your relationship is strong enough for marriage? William Smith gives you a series of questions based on biblical principles that you can use to assess your relation­ship’s strengths and weaknesses. Answering these ques­tions about your vision, goals, and potential conflicts will help you decide together whether you should slow your relationship down or move forward toward marriage. This booklet is a great resource for pastors and others to use during premarital counseling or classes.

Related Resources 

Follow this link for 16 Biblical Counseling Resources on Singleness, Dating, and Pre-Engagement.

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