A Word from Bob 

Since people know that I collate a lot of biblical counseling resources, and since podcasts are increasingly popular, several people have asked me to produce a collation of biblical counseling podcasts. I asks the members of my Facebook Gospel-Centered Biblical Counseling and Equipping group for their recommendations.

I have not “vetted” every one of the following podcasts. I trust you to use your discernment. The information on each podcast comes directly from the podcasts themselves. Below, I provide the name of the podcast, name(s) of the podcast host(s), direct links to each podcast, and a summary of the purpose/focus/description of each podcast. I list the podcasts in alphabetical order.


Biblical Counseling Podcasts

15:14 Podcast of the Biblical Counseling Coalition with Dr. Curtis Solomon


15:14 is a podcast from the Biblical Counseling Coalition with interviews and content to help you in your ministry.

Biblical Counseling in Action Podcast with Faith Church


The Biblical Counseling in Action podcast, hosted by Faith Church, interacts with guests and explores how biblical counseling intersects with their jobs, ministries, relationships, etc. The podcast seeks to provide real life examples of Biblical Counseling in action—what it looks like in day-to-day living.

Biblical Counseling Ministries Podcast with Mike Hanson 


Biblical Counseling Ministries (BCM) is an equipping and consulting ministry that helps churches develop a culture of biblical soul care for God’s glory. Our hope is that through this podcast you would become more aware of the process to build a ministry and culture of biblical soul care for your church and in your own life. In this episode, we are introducing the concept of biblical soul care culture and how biblical counseling can build a more robust discipleship ministry and a healthier church body.

Biblical Counseling Today Podcast with Dr. John Kwasny of One Story Ministries 


One Story Ministries (OSM) is a non-profit 501-C3 publishing ministry of Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church (PCA) located in Ridgeland, Mississippi. Our mission is to produce and disseminate Biblically-based curricula and materials which may be used for the education and edification of the church, home, and school. 

Biblical Counseling Worldwide Podcast with Dr. Andrew Rogers and Overseas Instruction in Counseling (Now Biblical Counseling Ministries Worldwide)


Biblical Counseling Worldwide podcast is a ministry of Overseas Instruction in Counseling (OIC). In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul encourages those who lead to train others: “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” This is the heart of Overseas Instruction in Counseling (OIC)! OIC strives to bring the Word of Truth across cultures by training men and women in biblical-based soul restoration, so they can train others.

Brad Hambrick Podcasts with Brad Hambrick 


The podcasts (yes, plural; more on that in just a moment) at bradhambrick.com are meant to make the resources available through my site as accessible as possible. I want the content of my site to be available in whatever format that best serve your learning style: written (text), auditory (podcast), or visual (videos). In order to clarify the purpose of various types of content available, we developed four podcasts: Gospel-Centered Marriage Podcast, Emotions Resources Podcast, Addiction Resources Podcast, and Counseling Resources Podcast.

Conversational Counseling Podcast with Alex Kocher and Brenda Payne of Known Ministries 


Where counseling and discipleship meet. After decades of having these conversations in the counseling room and side by side over coffee with friends, we were compelled this year to create a podcast resource to inspire, equip, and train you to use your everyday conversations to connect others to the love of Christ.

Counsel for Life Podcast with Eliza Huie and Beth Broom


Engaging conversations about mental health and the Christian life with licensed and biblical counselors Eliza Huie and Beth Broom.

Counsel the Word Podcast with Dr. Keith Palmer 


The Center for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (CBCD) is a ministry of Grace Bible Church, in Granbury, Texas. Grace has been training biblical counselors and disciplers since 2008 and providing free biblical counseling services to the community since 2009. Grace is a certified training center with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).

Forsaken Body Podcast with Lainey Greer and Nicci Delis 


On the Forsaken Body podcast, you’ll learn that to treat your body well you must first learn to think well of your body. From medicine to fad diets, exercise and the Bible, we’ll discuss why your body matters and talk about how to care for it.

Gospel Care Podcast with Jason Kovacs and the Gospel Care Collective 


Join us as we explore a gospel-centered, clinically-informed approach to care. This podcast delves into topics of biblical counseling, the church, trauma, anxiety, abuse, spiritual disciplines, living in a spiritually healthy community, and how our faith can shape our mental health. Episodes feature conversations with biblical counselors, pastors, and lay people to discuss how to practically apply the wisdom of Scripture in everyday life. 

Head and Heart Podcast with Jennifer Holmes 


Do you secretly struggle with fear, anxiety, depression, or other mental illness? Are you wondering what your next steps are? What the Bible has to say about mental illness? If you should talk to someone or get help? Are you looking for another Christian who has been there and can help? You’ve come to the right place. Join me as we learn next steps together from God’s Word. Jennifer Holmes is completing her Master’s in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary.  

Hope + Help Podcast with Christine Chappell and IBCD 


IBCD (The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship) exists to strengthen churches in one another care. Hosted by Christine Chappell, the Hope + Help Podcast offers interviews with authors, ministry leaders, and seasoned biblical counselors on a wide-range of topics. Each episode explores a specific problem from a biblical perspective, and provides gospel-centered comfort and counsel to those navigating the issue at hand. Biblical conversations about life’s challenging problems. 

Institute for Nouthetic Studies Podcast with Jay Adams (Classic Messages from the Past)


Welcome to the Institute for Nouthetic Studies, founded by Jay Adams. INS provides training and resources for biblical counseling. The INS podcast with Dr. Jay Adams features a new (classic) message every Monday and Thursday. 

Joyful Journey Podcast with Janet Aucoin and Jocelyn Wallace 


Joyful Journey is a podcast to inspire and equip women to passionately pursue beautiful, biblical truth on their journeys as women of God. Join our host Janet Aucoin and our co-host Jocelyn Wallace and others as we see that when you choose truth, you’re choosing joy!

Messy Podcast with Scott Mehl 


Everyone’s life is messy. There’s no way of avoiding it. We live in a fallen world every day, and it creates a mess. We live with our fallen hearts every day, and they create a mess. But it’s into this mess that Jesus Christ came bringing hope, reconciliation, and redemption for everything we do and experience. Jesus transforms the mess. In our modern world, the mess can feel increasingly complicated, and the immensity of the mess can leave us wondering if the good news of the Gospel is really the answer we need. 

PeaceWorks Podcast with Chris Moles 


Weekly podcast featuring teaching from Pastor Chris, interviews with experts, and stories from survivors of domestic abuse.

Safe to Hope Podcast with Ann Maree Goudzwaard of HelpHer 

https://www.helpherresources.com/safe-to-hope-podcastOn the “Safe to Hope, Hope Renewed in Light of Eternity” podcast we help women in crisis tell their story with an eye for God’s redemptive purposes. All suffering is loss, but God leaves nothing unused in his plans. We help women see his redemptive thread throughout their circumstances and then look for opportunities to join with God in his transforming work. Safe to Hope is a production of HelpHer. 

Speak the Truth Podcast with Michael and Shauna Van Dyke and Jeremy Lelek


Speak the Truth is a podcast devoted to giving biblical truth for educating, encouraging, and equipping the individual and church for counseling and discipleship.

Straight to the Heart Podcast with Rush Witt and New Growth Press 


Welcome to “Straight to the Heart,” a podcast from New Growth Press hosted by Rush Witt. Each episode includes thought-provoking conversations with leading Christian writers and thinkers. We hear who they are, what they believe, how they approach their work and ministry, and the moments and people who have changed their lives. In “Straight to the Heart,” we go beyond the books to connect with the remarkable people behind them. 

This Vs. That Podcast with Anchored Hope 


A podcast where we have conversations that explore what we think and why we think it. Anchored Hope practically helps those hurting by anchoring their hope in Jesus and gaining a better understanding of his promises. Anchored Hope: Christ-centered virtual counseling that offers a refuge of hope for the hurting. Biblically Grounded, Clinically Informed Virtual Counseling. 

Transformed Podcast with Greg Gifford


Transformed with Dr. Greg Gifford is the podcast where anxiety, loneliness, depression, and fear, meet the Bible. You won’t want to miss Dr. Gifford apply the Bible to emotional issues that will help YOU and help you to help others.

Truth in Love Podcast with Dr. Dale Johnson and the ACBC


Truth in Love is a podcast providing biblical solutions for the problems people face. This podcast is a resource from the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. For more information about ACBC visit https://biblicalcounseling.com. 

Where Life and Scripture Meet: A Biblical Counseling Podcast with Alasdair Groves and CCEF 


Why do we have a biblical counseling podcast? Well, the reason why we’re doing a podcast specifically on life and Scripture meeting is simple. At times, we all struggle with how real life and Scripture actually meet. However, as Christians, we have the privilege and challenge of exploring how the Bible gives words of life and perspective for the complexities of our current day. From dealing with extreme trauma, all the way to growing in the skill of daily rest, I hope you’ll join me, Alasdair Groves, in musing about how Scripture really does meet us in day-to-day life, and that it will be as energizing to your walk with the Lord as it has been to mine. Welcome to the CCEF Podcast: Where Life and Scripture Meet. 

Women’s Hope Podcast with Dr. Shelbi Cullen and Kimberly Cummings 


Join Dr. Shelbi Cullen and Kimberly Cummings as they bring hope and encouragement through 25 years of combined experience in biblical discipleship and counseling as ACBC counselors. Shelbi and Kimberly provide biblical and practical wisdom by coming alongside women with the teaching and resources necessary to grow in the grace and the knowledge of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Join the Conversation 

Do you know of additional biblical counseling podcasts that you think I should add?

If you are involved with any of these podcasts and have recommendations for my wording about your podcast, feel free to contact me via email or via the comment feature.

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