“I Can Name That Tune!” 

Some of you may recall the old TV game show, Name That Tune. Contestants would compete to name the title of a famous song. The catch was, they had to name that tune with after hearing the fewest notes possible. They would compete by saying, “I can name that tune in 5 notes!” Then the other contestant might call out, “I can name that tune in 4 notes!” 

Well, in today’s post, I am saying:

“I can name, summarize, and apply the 10 major Bible doctrines for biblical counseling in under 1,000 words!” (636 to be exact.)

The 10 Systematic Theology Categories/10 Major Bible Doctrines for Biblical Counseling 

In Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives, I address the biblical counselor’s foundational question:

“What would a model of biblical counseling look like that was built solely upon Christ’s gospel of grace?”

I break this question into 8 ultimate life questions—questions that every biblical counselor must ask and answer. These 8 questions cover the classic 10 systematic theology categories of the ten major Bible doctrines:

  1. Bibliology: The Doctrine of the Bible
  2. Theology Proper: The Doctrine of God the Father
  3. Christology: The Doctrine of God the Son
  4. Pneumatology: The Doctrine of God the Spirit
  5. Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man
  6. Hamartiology: The Doctrine of Sin
  7. Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation
  8. Ecclesiology: The Doctrine of the Church
  9. Eschatology: The Doctrine of the End Times/Future
  10. Angelology: The Doctrine of Angels and Fallen Angels/Demons

8 Ultimate Life Questions 

I take these classic doctrinal categories and address them with biblical, relational relevance today, calling them 8 Ultimate Life Questions.

  1. The Word: “Where do we find wisdom for life in a broken world?”
  2. The Trinity/Community: “What comes into our mind when we think about God?” “Whose view of God will we believe—Christ’s or Satan’s?”
  3. Creation: “Whose are we?” “In what story do we find ourselves?”
  4. Fall: “What’s the root source of our problem?” “What went wrong?”
  5. Redemption: “How does Christ bring us peace with God?” “How does Christ change people?”
  6. Church: “Where can we find a place to belong and become?”
  7. Consummation: “How does our future destiny with Christ make a difference in our lives today as saints who struggle against suffering and sin?”
  8. Sanctification: “Why are we here?” “How do we become like Jesus?” How can our inner life increasingly reflect the inner life of Christ?”

Tweet-Size Summaries 

In Gospel-Centered Counseling, I spend 320 pages developing these core doctrines for biblical counseling. Here, in tweet-size summaries are those ultimate life questions and answers.

Question 1: The Word—“Where do we find wisdom for life in a broken world?” 

Chapter 1: Tweet-size Summary 

  • To view the Bible accurately and use the Bible competently we must understand the Bible’s story the way God tells it—as a gospel victory narrative.

Chapter 2: Tweet-size Summaries 

  • The supremacy of Christ’s gospel, the sufficiency of Christ’s wisdom, and the superiority of Christ’s Church provide the wisdom we need for counseling in a broken world.
  • We discover wisdom for how to live life in a broken world from the wisest person who ever lived—Christ!  

Question 2: The Trinity/Community—“What comes into our mind when we think about God?” “Whose view of God will we believe—Christ’s or Satan’s?” 

Chapter 3: Tweet-size Summary 

  • We must know the Trinitarian Soul Physician personally to be a powerful soul physician.  

Chapter 4: Tweet-size Summary

  • To know the God of peace and the peace of God we must know our Triune God in the fullness of His holy love demonstrated in the cross of Christ.  

Chapter 5: Tweet-size Summary 

  • Because Satan attempts to plant seeds of doubt about God’s good heart, God calls us to crop the Christ of the cross back into the picture.  

Question 3: Creation—“Whose are we?” “In what story do we find ourselves?” 

Chapter 6: Tweet-size Summary 

  • The whole, healthy, holy person’s inner life increasingly reflects the inner life of Christ—relationally, rationally, volitionally, and emotionally.  

Chapter 7: Tweet-size Summaries 

  • Theology matters.
  • Understanding people biblically matters.
  • Biblical counselors pursue compassionate and wise counseling where our love abounds in depth of knowledge about the heart in the world.  

Question 4: Fall—“What’s the root source of our problem?” “What went wrong?” 

Chapter 8: Tweet-size Summaries 

  • The essence of sin is spiritual adultery—choosing to love anyone or anything more than God.
  • Sin is not just a thief caught in a crime; sin is an adulterer caught in the act.  

Chapter 9: Tweet-size Summaries 

  • Apart from Christ we’re condemned as adulterous spouses, dead in sin, separated from the life of God with depraved heart capacities enslaved to sin.
  • Sin is what personal beings imagine, think, choose, do, and feel as they desire and love anything or anyone more than Christ.  

Chapter 10: Tweet-size Summary 

  • Fully biblical gospel-centered counseling deals thoroughly both with the sins we have committed and with the evils we have suffered.  

Question 5: Redemption—“How does Christ bring us peace with God?” “How does Christ change people?” 

Chapter 11:  Tweet-size Summary 

  • We must build our biblical counseling models of change on Christ’s gospel applied to Christians—justified, reconciled, regenerated, and redeemed people.  

Chapter 12: Tweet-size Summary 

  • Through regeneration our new heart has a new want to; through redemption our new heart has a new can do.  

Question 6: Church—“Where can we find a place to belong and become?” 

Chapter 13: Tweet-size Summary 

  • Together with all the saints the church is the place to belong to Christ and the Body of Christ and to become like Christ. 
  • Sanctification is a community journey.  

Question 7: Consummation—“How does our future destiny with Christ make a difference in our lives today as saints who struggle against suffering and sin?” 

Chapter 14: Tweet-size Summary 

  • As saints who struggle with suffering and sin, we must crop back into the picture our future purity (the wedding) and future victory (the final war).  

Question 8: Sanctification—“Why are we here?” “How do we become like Jesus?” How can our inner life increasingly reflect the inner life of Christ? 

Chapter 15: Tweet-size Summary 

  • Sanctification is the art of applying our complete salvation by God’s grace, Spirit, Word, people, and future hope so we increasingly reflect Christ.  

Chapter 16: Tweet-size Summary 

  • Gospel-motivated/empowered heart change puts off/puts on affections, mindsets, purposes, and mood states so we increasingly reflect the heart of Christ.
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