A Word from Bob 

I developed the following post from a a Twitter/X thread I shared regarding biblical counseling and neuroscience. The question:

As biblical counselors, can we be committed to the sufficiency of Scripture and use neuroscience findings in our counseling? 

A Twitter/X Thread: Biblical Counseling and Neuroscience 

A Thread on Biblical Counseling & Neuroscience: Soul Physicians of Embodied-Souls. The role of neuroscience in biblical counseling is a controversial issue, though it need not be. Here’s an invitation for mutually respectful discussions on: #BiblicalCounseling #Neuroscience #Embodied-Souls 1/

In a recent thread, Sean Perron posted on neuroscience and biblical counseling. In one tweet, he stated: “If there is any suffering in this life, the Bible provides all the wisdom needed to address it. Neither Joseph, Job, David, Jesus, or Paul practiced breathing techniques, yoga, grounding exercises, EMDR, or micro-current neurofeedback. They had a much greater hope.” 2/ 

Initial Reflections: Sean’s post prompted some initial reflections. 1. Since neuroscience did not exist in the ANE, we’d agree that they did not practice modern neuroscience. 2. However, Jesus, Paul, Jeremiah, Elijah, the disciples, etc., practice embodied-soul spiritual disciplines such as fasting, rest, solitude, etc., along with healthy embodied habits such as sleep, nourishment/food/diet, exercise, disciplining the body, etc. 3/

Further Reflections: 3. Jesus cared for the physical needs of people (His concern and feeding of the 5,000) and He healed people physically, as He ministered to the whole person. 4. Paul used the medical wisdom of his day to tell anxious Timothy, ‘a little wine for your stomach.’ 5. Paul taught that Christian growth is embodied-soul progressive sanctification (Romans 12:1-2; Romans 6, etc.). 4/

More Reflections: 6. God designed us as a complex interconnected unity of body/soul (embodied-soul)—Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:7. 7. There are at least 560 biblical passages on our being embodied-souls. 8. In the Creation Mandate (Genesis 1:26-28), God affirms the validity of science. In the Gospels, Jesus ministered comprehensively to the embodied-soul. 5/

Additional Reflections: 9. The Bible consistently portrays the embodied-soul impact of sin and suffering. 10. The Bible consistently emphasizes how suffering in the soul impacts the body, and how our finite, fallen bodies impact our souls. 11. Our embodied-soul is vital in our future glorification (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24). 12. What are the implications of these reflections for comprehensive soul care for embodied-souls? 6/

I responded to Sean with some questions. Question 1: Sean, In the 1970s, Jay Adams used the neuroscience of his day to support his nouthetic counseling model. Jay noted specific examples of useful studies such as sleep studies. Are their specific examples you have of the positive usefulness of neuroscience? 7/

Question 2. Sean, where would your cut-off line be for legitimate embodied-soul responses to life? Are there any legitimate embodied-soul responses to life that you think could be a biblical part of biblical counseling? 8/ 

Question 3. Sean, as one example, would you say it is sinful to use deep breathing exercises? Would you say it is sinful for a biblical counselor to recommend deep breathing exercises as an adjunct to other comprehensive biblical responses to embodied-souls? 9/ 

For all of us: 1. How would you biblically answer these questions about the nature of soul care for embodied-souls? 2. How would you biblically answer these questions about the relationship between biblical counseling and neuroscience? 3. How would you biblically answer these questions about the relationship between the sufficient Scriptures and science/neuroscience? 10/

For the past four decades, I’ve thought about these issues of soul care for embodied-souls, and the relationships between biblical counseling and neuroscience. Here are some free resources. 560 Biblical Passages on Being Embodied-Souls. 11/ 

A resource that collates resources: 100 Resources for Counseling the Whole Person: The Bible, the Body, the Embodied-Soul, Research, Science, and Neuroscience. 12/

A resource that collates resources from others: 60 Christian Books on the Body and Soul: Embodied-Soul. 13/ 

A personal testimony of how God works in my life—body and soul: I’m Never More Christ-Dependent Than When I’m Doing Deep Breathing Exercises. 14/ 

A summary of my approach to being soul physicians of embodied-souls: 6 Biblical Counseling Convictions. As biblical counselors we seek to be: Gospel-Centered/Christ-Centered, Theologically-Saturated, Relationship-Focused, Church History-Informed, Research-Aware Soul Physicians of Embodied-Souls. 15/ 

A significant issue in these discussions involves thinking through how the noetic effect of sin impacts common grace findings. Here’s a 43,500-word summary of Reformed Theologians on Common Grace. 16/ 

Biblically, it is vital that we maturely and respectfully discuss these matters—speaking truth in love. Here are some reflections on relating respectfully as biblical counselors. 5 Biblical Counseling Principles for Addressing Disagreements Among Biblical Counselors. 17/ 

Join the Conversation: 1. Biblically, what is the nature of soul care for embodied-souls? 2. Biblically, what is the relationship between biblical counseling and neuroscience? 3. Biblically, what is the relationship between the sufficient Scriptures and science/neuroscience? 18/

Join the Conversation: 4. Biblically, what is the relationship between the noetic effect of sin and common grace? 5. Biblically, how can we engage in these discussions with mutual respect and Christlike love? 19/End

For Further Reading 

If this post tweaks your interest, then here are some additional posts that you may find helpful.

A Personal Addendum 

In I’m Never More Christ-Dependent Than When I’m Doing Deep Breathing Exercises, I explain that in my weakness and weariness, when I practice deep breathing exercises as one part of comprehensive embodied-soul dependence upon Christ:

  • I am resting body and soul in the Restful one (Matthew 11:28-30).
  • I am finding His grace to help in my time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16).
  • I am experiencing His sufficient grace and strength in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).
  • So He can empower me to love and serve Him and others (Matthew 22:35-40).

I further share that, when I do deep breathing exercises as one part of comprehensive embodied-soul dependence upon Christ, I am embracing:

  • The reality that I am a finite creature utterly dependent upon my infinite Creator (2 Corinthians 4:7-12).
  • The spiritual importance of wise care for my body (1 Corinthians 6:13-20).
  • The need to master my body (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
  • The validity of physical treatments for my embodied-soul (1 Timothy 5:23).
  • The value of physical training (1 Timothy 4:8).
  • The frailty of my body (2 Corinthians 4:7).
  • The impact of the fall on my body (Romans 8:19-25).
  • The relationship between my bodily weakness, my emotional/spiritual weakness, and Christ’s grace and strength (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).
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