Building a Biblical Theology of Biblical Counseling: Wisdom Literature, Traumatic-Suffering, and the Embodied-Soul 

I’ve been examining the Bible cover-to-cover, Genesis-to-Revelation, studying what God’s sufficient Scriptures say about traumatic-suffering and embodied-souls. Here are eight resources distilled from Old Testament wisdom literature. 


  1. When Your Counselor Makes Your Life Worse!: This post collates over four dozen examples of poor counseling from Job’s miserable counselors.
  1. How Not to Empathize: Job’s Miserable Counselors: Here I outline more unbiblical counsel from Job’s miserable counselors.
  1. 3 Major Problems with Elihu’s Counseling of Job: Since God condemns Job’s three miserable counselors, everyone agrees that they are not a model to follow. However, people debate whether Job’s fourth counselor—Elihu—was a good or poor counselor. As my title suggests, I believe Elihu is also a miserable counselor.
  1. Psalm 88: “The Dark Night of the Soul.” If Heman Saw a Miserable Counselor…: Reflecting on Job’s experience, I started wondering what it might sound like, and be like, if Heman—the human author of Psalm 88—visited a miserable counselor.
  1. If Heman Saw a Comforting Counselor: Here we imagine what it might be like for a human counselor to offer Heman (Psalm 88) a taste of the Father’s divine counsel—our Father of compassion and God of all comfort?
  1. Proverbs & Biblical Counseling: Wisdom for Life & Wisdom from Life: Proverbs teaches us not only wisdom for living, but also wisdom from Proverbs illustrates that we gain wisdom for living from reflecting on our life experiences and fromobserving life.
  1. What Does Ecclesiastes Teach Us About How We View Traumatic Suffering?: When we experience the unrelenting pain of unjust suffering, we either despair as we view life under the sun, or we find hope as we view life in the Son.
  1. The Body Keeps the Score; The Embodied-Soul Calculates the Cost: When we experience traumatic-suffering, we either despair when we view life under the sun, or we find hope as we view life in the Son.
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