Building a Biblical Theology of Biblical Counseling: Wisdom Literature, Traumatic-Suffering, and the Embodied-Soul
I’ve been examining the Bible cover-to-cover, Genesis-to-Revelation, studying what God’s sufficient Scriptures say about traumatic-suffering and embodied-souls. Here are eight resources distilled from Old Testament wisdom literature.
- When Your Counselor Makes Your Life Worse!: This post collates over four dozen examples of poor counseling from Job’s miserable counselors.
- How Not to Empathize: Job’s Miserable Counselors: Here I outline more unbiblical counsel from Job’s miserable counselors.
- 3 Major Problems with Elihu’s Counseling of Job: Since God condemns Job’s three miserable counselors, everyone agrees that they are not a model to follow. However, people debate whether Job’s fourth counselor—Elihu—was a good or poor counselor. As my title suggests, I believe Elihu is also a miserable counselor.
- Psalm 88: “The Dark Night of the Soul.” If Heman Saw a Miserable Counselor…: Reflecting on Job’s experience, I started wondering what it might sound like, and be like, if Heman—the human author of Psalm 88—visited a miserable counselor.
- If Heman Saw a Comforting Counselor: Here we imagine what it might be like for a human counselor to offer Heman (Psalm 88) a taste of the Father’s divine counsel—our Father of compassion and God of all comfort?
- Proverbs & Biblical Counseling: Wisdom for Life & Wisdom from Life: Proverbs teaches us not only wisdom for living, but also wisdom from Proverbs illustrates that we gain wisdom for living from reflecting on our life experiences and fromobserving life.
- What Does Ecclesiastes Teach Us About How We View Traumatic Suffering?: When we experience the unrelenting pain of unjust suffering, we either despair as we view life under the sun, or we find hope as we view life in the Son.
- The Body Keeps the Score; The Embodied-Soul Calculates the Cost: When we experience traumatic-suffering, we either despair when we view life under the sun, or we find hope as we view life in the Son.