Success–God’s Way

Note: Today’s post is part of the September RPM Ministries The VineLine Newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to The VineLine just type in your email address on the left of this blog post where you see:

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Success–God’s Way

Many of you know that I coach high school wrestling. The job of a coach is to make others successful.

Many of you also know that one of the “images” I have for God’s calling on my life is that of a spiritual “coach.” While running yesterday morning, I got to thinking about how much I enjoy helping others to succeed spiritually–whether it’s in their personal walk with God or in their ministry call from God.

Then I got to thinking. “What is success from God’s perspective?”

Surely, we’re all tired of “health and wealth,” prosperity “gospel,” ego-driven, humanistic definitions of “success.”

Simply, but biblically put, success is living the abundant life (John 10:10) of deep relationship with God and others (Matthew 22:35-40).

So…let’s ask ourselves some questions:

1. Who are we helping to succeed?

Who am I, who are you, coaching toward spiritual success?

2. Where are we coaching “for free”?

Think like a lawyer and pro bono work. In other words, I’m not asking who we are coaching spiritually because it’s our job (as a pastor, counselor, educator, ministry director, consultant, etc.). I’m not denying how wonderful that ministry is. I’m simply asking the additional question, “Without it being part of my job, who am I empowering to live the abundant life of deep relationship with God and others?”

3. Are we willing to help others to succeed, even if from the world’s perspective, they’re our “competitors”?

I think about this as I have launched RPM Ministries full-time. I’ve had a boatload of people over the last year ask me about launching ministries, launching websites, doing blogs, writing books, doing a blog tour, offering seminars, etc. None of them pay me for my “wisdom.” And that’s okay. And many of them are doing similar work to RPM Ministries. If I am convinced that God is a Rewarder and that His resources are infinite, then I’ll do all I can to help others to succeed, even in similar ministries. And so will you.

4. How can I help you to succeed?

I mean it. And…for free. If there’s a way I can be of spiritual assistance to you, please contact me:

Now, in case you doubt this offer…try it out. Several have already since I sent The VineLine Friday. And I’ve already connected with each person.

In Christ’s Grace,


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