God Redeeming His Bride
Let’s try a little word association.
When I say, “church discipline,” what words come instantly into your mind?
If you’re like most people, those words may be negative. Words like “harsh,” “church split,” “spiritual abuse,” “confrontation,” and “excommunication.”
Of course, the biblical picture of church discipline is nothing like that. And Robert Cheong, the Pastor of Care and Counseling at Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, KY has written an excellent book that corrects those misconceptions. Even the title conveys wonderfully positive images of church discipline: God Redeeming His Bride: A Handbook for Church Discipline.
God Redeeming His Bride is now available for pre-order. I would encourage all those involved in the life and ministry of the local church to order a copy. Church discipline is a vital biblical calling and thus one that needs to be practiced with grace and wisdom. Robert’s book is a trusted guide on this important journey.
I received a copy before its release and after reading it was happy to write an endorsement for it:
The title itself—God Redeeming His Bride—should alert us that this is not your typical book on “church discipline.” Dr. Cheong does not disappoint as he places church discipline in its proper place as the corporate relational process of speaking God’s truth in love for God’s glory and the maturity and purity of God’s people. Eminently practical while deeply theological, this gospel-centered approach to church discipline is a ground-breaking book that every pastor and every church leadership team should read and apply. —Robert W. Kellemen, Executive Director, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Lafayette, IN
Join the Conversation
When you think of “church discipline” what words typically come to mind?
How does the title, God Redeeming His Bride, begin to reshape your thinking about loving, biblical church discipline?
RPM Ministries: Equipping You to Change Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth
Grace-filled church discipline is painful and glorious. I have been walking in it for almost one year and it has changed my life. It has not been done perfectly but gracefully. I had an opinion about it for years, then I needed it. My thoughts have changed and I look forward to reading this book.