A Word from Bob No. I do not think John Calvin was an integrationist, even though, as we’ll see in today’s post, Calvin valued and used common grace insights from non-believers. Some biblical counselors are using the word “integrationist” (or “neo-integrationist”) to...
A Word from Bob You’re reading the first of a three-part blog mini-series on Cornelious Van Til and common grace. In Part 2, I focus on Van Til’s beliefs about common grace and how they relate to the use or non-use of extra-biblical resources in biblical...
Definitions and Descriptions Premature closure is a cognitive error that occurs when someone accepts or rejects an idea before even investigating it. Premature closure maintains a bias toward ideas I already accept and a bias against ideas that differ from my own...
Reformation Day Most see October 31 as Halloween. However, many celebrate October 31 as Reformation Day—the anniversary of Martin Luther’s launch of the Protestant Reformation. With any historical event that distant in time, it’s easy to think of it as lacking...
I Love History I love history. I’ve written three books on the history of Christian soul care. For a quarter-century, I taught the seminary course: The History of Christian Soul Care. If I hadn’t become a pastor-professor-biblical counselor, perhaps I would have been...