18 Reflections on Grudem on Trump

In a recent post, theologian Wayne Grudem crafted a detailed (5,325 words, eleven-pages) article entitled Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice. As you might imagine, his post has created a stir and motivated bountiful responses. I’ve begun collating...

Hoping When All Hope Seems Lost

When life crushes the dreams we dream, is it possible to hope again? Yes, but let’s be honest. Hope is hard. As I often say, “when life stinks, our perspective shrinks.” That’s why biblical hope focuses on an eternal perspective. We can learn to hope again by weaving...

The Gospel for Everyday Life

A Word from Bob: David Jenkins of Equipping You in Grace interviewed me on his podcast about Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives. You can go to Dave’s site to listen to the podcast interview here. You can read the manuscript of the interview here:...

What Is Gospel-Centered Counseling?

A Word from Bob: This morning, David Jenkins did a podcast interview with me about Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives. As soon as the interview is “live,” I’ll provide a link. Here’s a manuscript of the interview.  DJ: “Bob, please tell us a bit...
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