by Bob | Mar 26, 2016 | Easter, Good Friday, Waiting
It’s Saturday, the day before Easter. On the Christian calendar, we often forget this day. Yesterday was Good Friday. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. On Friday, Jesus is crucified; dies for our sins. His followers mourn. On Sunday, Jesus is resurrected; He’s risen! He’s...
by Bob | Mar 25, 2016 | Cross, Easter, Good Friday
One of the most powerful practices we can participate in to prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter is to reflect on the 7 Last Words of Christ on the Cross. I’ve arranged them below chronologically, as Jesus spoke them. We can allow each word, each sentence,...
by Bob | Feb 28, 2016 | Black History Month
It’s my privilege to serve at Crossroads Bible College as the VP of Institutional Development and the Chair of the Biblical Counseling department. Crossroads is a wonderful school with an ethnically-diverse student body. Our diversity is not accidental. It is a...
by Bob | Feb 23, 2016 | Gospel-Centered Counseling
In the first part of this two-part blog post, Gospel-Centered Life Questions, I began by quoting Michael Horton, in his fine work, The Gospel-Driven Life, where he notes that: “… we typically introduce the Bible as the ‘answer to life’s questions.’ This is where the...
by Bob | Feb 21, 2016 | Gospel-Centerd Counseling, Gospel-Centered
As a reader of my Changing Lives blog, you know that I often discuss what I call 8 ultimate life questions. Perhaps you have wondered: “Why don’t you call them 8 ultimate life answers”? Michael Horton, in his fine work, The Gospel-Driven Life, notes that: “… we...