by Bob | Jan 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
In my January 1, 2015 post, I shared about my resolution to make 2015: The Year of Gospel-Centered Living. Today, I outline my 8 Gospel-Centered New Year Resolutions for 2015. 1. Resolved: I will seek to discover wisdom for how to live from the wisest person who ever...
by Bob | Jan 1, 2015 | Gospel-Centered
As 2015 begins, many of us make resolutions for the new year. Some even do so with a “theme.” I’ve never been one for new year’s resolutions—themed or theme-less. However, in 2015, I’m making an exception. For me, by Christ’s grace, I want 2015 to be: The Year of...
by Bob | Dec 31, 2014 | Biblical Counseling, Book Review, Gospel-Centerd Counseling
A Guest Post by Joshua Waulk A Note from Bob: I’m grateful for everyone who is participating in the blog tour for Gospel-Centered Counseling. Among these is biblical counselor, Joshua Waulk. In addition to this guest post which you can read below, you can read...
by Bob | Dec 30, 2014 | Biblical Counseling, Book Review, Gospel-Centered Counseling
A Guest Post by Julie Ganschow A Note from Bob: I’m grateful for everyone who is participating in the blog tour for Gospel-Centered Counseling. Among these is biblical counselor and author, Julie Ganschow. In addition to this guest post which you can read below, you...
by Bob | Dec 20, 2014 | Grief, Healing, Holidays, Hope, Uncategorized
A Holiday Message from Bob The past two years, I’ve posted a several-part blog series entitled Healing for the Holidays. By God’s grace, this has benefited many people. I’ve now made the entire series available as a free 20-page PDF that you can download at Healing...