by Bob | Apr 21, 2014 | Uncategorized
Heaven Is for Real…But the Preaching and Pastoral Care Were Not I was not planning to see the newly-released movie, Heaven Is for Real. But my extended family wanted to see it…and they wanted my perspective on it. So I went. The movie and book are based upon...
by Bob | Apr 15, 2014 | Cross, Easter
Easter, Jesus’ Death on the Cross, and the Old Testament Hebrews 8-10 tell us that the Old Testament sanctuary sacrificial system pictures and foreshadows Christ’s perfect sacrifice for us. Picture with me what Old Testament believers experience as they journey to...
by Bob | Apr 14, 2014 | 5 to Live By, Cross, Crucifixion, Easter, Good Friday, Holy Week, Resurrection
5 Top Easter Blog Posts of the Week: 5 to Live By 5 top Christian blog posts of the week—this week we focus on blogs related to Good Friday and Easter. The Resurrection and Parenting Does the resurrection relate to parenting? Of course it does—Christ-s resurrection...
by Bob | Apr 10, 2014 | Equipping, Small Groups
REST Are the meetings you must attend restful? Is “rest” a word you would normally associate with “meetings”? Most of us moan and groan when we ponder the next meeting we have to attend. Meetings, whether at work or at church, often seem to drain us of all energy....
by Bob | Apr 9, 2014 | Psalms
7 Sermons on the Psalms: Free 75-Page PDF From January to March, 2014, I preached at Cornerstone Community Church on seven selected Psalms. The series was entitled, How to Have an Honest Conversation with God. The entire sermon series is now available as a free...