by Bob | Jan 28, 2014 | Biblical Counseling, David Murray, Depression, Sufficiency of Scripture
Can an Unregenerate Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist Be Christ-Centered? My short answer: “No.” Longer answer to follow. But why am I even asking the question? My friend, David Murray, recently posted, Is Cognitive-Behavior Therapy from the Devil? His post was in...
by Bob | Jan 28, 2014 | Biblical Counseling, David Murray, Depression
A Word from Bob A couple of days ago, my friend, David Murray posted: I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds. Then yesterday I posted: “I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds”—What Is a Compassionate, Comprehensive Response? ...
by Bob | Jan 27, 2014 | Biblical Counseling, Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling, David Murray, Depression
“I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds”—What Is a Compassionate, Comprehensive Response? My friend, David Murray, recently shared an important blog post entitled, I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds. David began his post...
by Bob | Jan 19, 2014 | Beyond the Suffering, Daniel Alexander Payne, MLK, MLK Day, Rosa Parks
3 Christian Influences on Martin Luther King, Jr. As we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, few are aware of the legacy of three Christians whose courageous lives influenced his life. Today we learn the rest of the story. Rosa Parks: A Woman of Great Conviction In...
by Bob | Jan 18, 2014 | Uncategorized
Are You a Church Pioneer or a Church Settler? Shirley and I were reflecting tonight on how people make decisions about churches, especially when it comes to families and the “smaller church.” The smaller church typically is at a place size-wise where there is not...