by Bob | Mar 24, 2013 | Christ, Sunday Worship
A Prayer for Christ-Centered Sunday Worship: Colossians 1:9-23 9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that...
by Bob | Mar 23, 2013 | Tullian Tchividjian
Your Life Is Hidden with Christ in God John Chrysostom, fourth-century church father, was brought before the Empress Eudoxia. She threatened him with banishment if he insisted on his Christian independence as a preacher. “You cannot banish me, for this world is my...
by Bob | Mar 19, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Books, Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes In April 2013, P & R Publishing will release my booklet Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes. If you would like to be placed on a list to pre-order Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes send an email to with the subject...
by Bob | Mar 18, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Book Recommendation, Book Review, Cross, John Stott
Book Recommendation for the Counselor’s Ministry: The Cross of Christ I’m beginning a new series today in which I’ll periodically recommend books for counselors. Shorter than a book review but longer than a tweet, these recommendations will whet your appetite to buy...
by Bob | Mar 17, 2013 | Association of Biblical Counselors, Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling Coalition, CCEF, NANC
How to Find a Biblical Counselor Finding a biblical counselor who will minister God’s truth to you in Christ’s love is important. I encourage you to visit the following biblical counseling organizations: • The National Association of Nouthetic Counselors...