by Bob | Jan 21, 2013 | Beyond the Suffering, Daniel Alexander Payne, Martin Luther King Day, Martin Luther King Jr, MLK, MLK Day, Rosa Parks
3 Christian Influences on Martin Luther King, Jr. As we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, few are aware of the legacy of three Christians whose courageous lives influenced his life. Today we learn the rest of the story. Rosa Parks: A Woman of Great Conviction In...
by Bob | Jan 20, 2013 | Civil Rights, Martin Luther King Day, Martin Luther King Jr, Pro Life
Pro-Civil Rights and Pro-Life I find it fascinating that the same week we celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday, we also observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. I find it sad that it seems that few people are in favor of both events. It seems that all too few...
by Bob | Jan 15, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Equipping, Equipping Counselors, One-Another Ministry, Spiritual Friends, Spiritual Friendship
One-Another Ministry—Just the UPS Delivery Guy? In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that this week I’m leading a counseling lab small group at Faith Bible Seminary. In that post I asked: Equipping for Ministry—Just a Brain Dump? I also noted that I have one main premise...
by Bob | Jan 14, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Equipping, Equipping Counselors, One-Another Ministry, Spiritual Friends, Spiritual Friendship
Equipping for Ministry—Just a Brain Dump? This week I’ll be leading a counseling lab small group at Faith Bible Seminary. I have one main premise when I lead this lab: You learn biblical counseling by giving and receiving biblical counseling in community. Yes,...
by Bob | Jan 12, 2013 | Al Mohler, Homosexuality
8 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: The Lou Giglio Edition Linking you to the top Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. This week I highlight posts related to the uproar over Pastor Lou Giglio’s...