by Bob | Dec 7, 2012 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Paul Tautges, RPM Ministries
Journey to Biblical Counseling Pastor Paul Tautges has launched a new feature at his Counseling One Another blog site. It’s called Journey to Biblical Counseling and in it he interviews various teachers, trainers, authors, and leaders in the biblical counseling...
by Bob | Dec 6, 2012 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling Coalition
Blessings: An Ice Cream Sundae with a Cherry on Top This past Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday I facilitated the annual leadership retreat of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. It was a great and powerful time. At the same time, as the facilitator, I was always “on duty”...
by Bob | Dec 1, 2012 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling Coalition
The 2012 Biblical Counseling Coalition Leadership Retreat Would you be willing to pray for the Biblical Counseling Coalition leadership this Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday? Of the 46 members of the Board of Directors and Council Board, 39 were able to clear their...
by Bob | Nov 29, 2012 | Biblical Counseling, Bob Kellemen, Equipping, RPM Ministries
What About Bob? And What’s “RPM” Stand For? No, I’m not talking about the Bill Murray movie, What About Bob? We’ve recently given the RPM website a “fresh coat of paint”—new look, more user-friendly store, same daily blogs, same free resources—added weekly. Between...
by Bob | Nov 28, 2012 | 5 to Live By, Kevin DeYoung
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: 5 to Live By Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Dear Jack: A Letter to an Abusive Husband Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile powerfully...