by Bob | Oct 25, 2012 | Abortion, Barack Obama, Pro Life, Trevin Wax
10 Questions to Ask a Pro-Choice Candidate: By Trevin Wax Trevin Wax at his Kingdom People blog site provides an excellent set of questions that the media could and should ask a pro-choice candidate. You can read his entire post here. 10 Questions a Pro-Choice...
by Bob | Oct 24, 2012 | Christ, Christian Living, Humility
Be Radical—Be Like Christ! In my last two blogs, I’ve asked: 1. Who are your spiritual teammates—your sun-athleo? 2. Who is your Sam—your encouragement partner? Today we ask: Who is your model for Christian living? Christ—Our Model for Christian Living In...
by Bob | Oct 23, 2012 | Uncategorized
Who Is Your Sam? In yesterday’s post, I blogged about Spiritual Teammates: Sun-Athleo from a recent message I preached on Philippians 1:26-2:18. I asked, “Who are your spiritual teammates?” Today I ask: “Who is your Sam?” Our Ultimate Encourager Assaulted by...
by Bob | Oct 22, 2012 | Chicago Bears, Christian Living, Sermon
Spiritual Teammates: Sun-Athleo As a Christian, you do not have to struggle alone. Your fellow Christians are sun-athleo—athletes together with you. That was one of the primary points in the sermon I preached last week on Philippians 1:27-2:18. The main idea of the...
by Bob | Oct 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
Blogging Sabbatical I’ll be taking a blogging sabbatical from October 14 to October 21. Please feel free to look around the site and download any of hundreds of the free resources at the RPM Ministries Resource Page. Also, the Biblical Counseling Coalition’s Grace...