Ten Resolutions for Knowing God

Ten Resolutions for Knowing God  Note: This post was first posted by John Piper at the Desiring God site and you can read the original here. It is reposted with permission. John Piper is the Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Bethlehem Baptist Church (Minneapolis, MN)...

Leaders Take Responsibility

Leaders Take Responsibility  As most of you know, I’m a big-time fan of the Chicago Bears. In fact, I’m a big-time sports fan. Not only do I find watching and participating in sports activities fun, I often find them instructive for life.  Like this past week.  The...

“Signs” and God’s Affectionate Sovereignty

“Signs” and God’s Affectionate Sovereignty  If by “signs” someone means that God “miraculously” sends us “signs” to direct and guide us, then don’t count me in as among the believers in “signs.”  If, on the other hand, by “signs,” we mean that a sovereign God guides...
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