Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure

Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure  Note: This interview first appeared at the Biblical Counseling Coalition’s book review site. You can also read it there at Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure.   BCC: As part of our Biblical Counseling Coalition vision, we want to help you to get to...

Why Leave It to Beaver Is No Better Than Hell on Wheels

Why Leave It To Beaver Is No Better Than Hell on Wheels  As an Evangelical Christian, it’s pretty easy to criticize modern TV programs.  A show like Two And a Half Men (even before Charlie Sheen was replaced) is an easy target because of its sophomoric but degraded...

5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week

5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week  Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.  Top 5 Abuse Prevention Policies for the Church  How can we prevent the horrors of abuse...
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