by Bob | May 10, 2012 | Biblical Counseling, Grace, Spiritual Friendship
5 Biblical Counseling Sustaining Skills: GRACE, Part 1 Note: I’ve developed the follow post from my book Spiritual Friends. In Spiritual Friends, I equip readers for the four-fold one-another ministry of: • Sustaining: It’s Normal to Hurt—Climbing in the Casket •...
by Bob | May 9, 2012 | Uncategorized
Rebel re.bel, verb: 1) To refuse allegiance to, to oppose the established ruling authority. 2) To resist or defy the generally accepted convention and beliefs. 3) To dissent and express a repugnance for. The World’s Cluelessness It’s interesting. The dominant mindset...
by Bob | May 8, 2012 | Abuse, Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes I recently submitted the first draft of my second booklet in the P & R Publishing series The Gospel for Real Life. P & R released my first booklet last month, Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure. My second booklet is tentatively entitled...
by Bob | May 7, 2012 | Uncategorized
Patience: Keeping the Finish Line in View Yesterday, I ran my first-ever half marathon (The Southwest Half Marathon). That’s 13.1 miles. I’ve been training for over three months. One of the running principles I learned in running with a group of experienced runners...
by Bob | May 5, 2012 | Christ, Cross, Gospel, Grace, Praise, Prayer
A Prayer for Peace by Grace and Not Performance “Father, thank You that I exist by grace, I live by grace, I am ‘measured’ by grace—and the ‘measure’ of grace is as wide as the outstretched arms of Christ on the cross, and as infinite as the love that sent the Son...