by Bob | Aug 30, 2011 | 4E Equipping, Biblical Counseling, Book Review, Equipping Counselors for Your Church
Author Interview Q & A on Equipping Counselors for Your Church The Biblical Counseling Coalition recently interviewed me about my upcoming book Equipping Counselors for Your Church. Here’s their author interview Q & A. BCC: “Bob, what’s the big idea behind...
by Bob | Aug 29, 2011 | Uncategorized
Has Life Knocked the Song Out of You? Yesterday, our pastor shared the apparently true story of Chirpy the parakeet. Chirpy is the stuff with which legends are made. Chirpy the Parakeet A lonely woman bought Chirpy, and he brought song and beauty into her life. One...
by Bob | Aug 26, 2011 | 5 to Live By
Five to Live By Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. How Do I Love Thee? Pastor Paul Tautges helps us to count 37 biblical ways to love one another. Read and apply his biblical...
by Bob | Aug 25, 2011 | Uncategorized
How Do We Overcome Sexual Sin? Imagine that a counselee or parishioner or spiritual friend came to you with the following story. “I’m struggling. I’ve been married five times. Now I’m with another man. I feel like I just have to have a man. I’m desperate and empty...
by Bob | Aug 24, 2011 | 4E Ministry Training Strategy, Discipleship, Equipping, Equipping Counselors for Your Church
Be Equipped Many people have been asking me about the Table of Contents (TOC) for Equipping Counselors for Your Church. So here it is. Plus, I’ve included a summary of the main equipping benefit of each chapter. Foreword—By Pastor James MacDonald Introduction—Want to...