Nate Brooks on David Powlison and Eric Johnson This morning on X (Twitter), Nate Brooks posted an insightful thread about humility and charity in biblical counseling. Nate used David Powlison’s interactions with Eric Johnson as an example of humility and charity in...
An Often Asked Question It’s an often discussed question in the Evangelical Christian world in general, and specifically in the modern biblical counseling world. Are anxiety and fear sin? Here are links to 10 resources that ask and answer that question biblically....
The following prayer by St. Patrick has been variously titled Morning Prayer, The Breastplate, or The Lorica. Some question whether St. Patrick actually wrote it, or whether someone else penned it years later and it was ascribed to St. Patrick. However, for centuries...
Heath Lambert and the Southern Baptist Convention Pastor Heath Lambert is in the midst of a series of blog posts about the sexual abuse crisis in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Today, he released Part 2. While I am not a Southern Baptist, I am a biblical...
I’m Pondering… These are some initial ponderings—thinking out loud, if you will. Musing. So…ponder with me… You may recall David Powlison’s classic article from 1996, How Do You Help a “Psychologized Counselee”? In his editorial, Powlison discussed biblical...