Five to Live By

Five to Live By  Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Protect Your Pastor! Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile shares some alarming statistics about the lives of pastors. Read and heed his...

Back to the Future: At 21 and at 51

Back to the Future: At 21 and at 51  Yesterday in one of my presentations at the Moody Bible Institute Pastors’ Conference, I discussed how I responded to a significant life event when I was 21. That was three decades ago. Yes, I’m 51 now. So I started thinking, “What...

The Grace Wife

The Grace Wife On May 23, 1981, at Berean Baptist Church in Richmond, VA, Pastor Ralph Hubble pronounced Bob Kellemen and Shirley Vernon “husband and wife.” On Our 30th Anniversary If my math is correct, and it had better be, that makes today our 30th Anniversary.  ...
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