How Do You Break the Stranglehold of Strongholds?

How Do You Break the Stranglehold of Strongholds? Note: The following material is taken from Soul Physicians. Do you ever wonder why that same besetting sin repeatedly defeats you? Despite your continual decision to stop sinning in that same old way, do you find...

Finding Hope for Depression: Lessons from Elijah

Finding Hope for Depression: Lessons from Elijah Note: The following is a “Guest Blog” by my friend and co-worker, Pastor Chris Boucher. John Piper’s interpretive poem summarizing the book of Job captures the affectionate sovereignty of God in light of human...

Our Forgiving Father Celebrates with Us

Our Forgiving Father Celebrates with Us In Luke 15:22-32, the greatest artist who ever lived readies His brush to paint the final scene in the greatest story ever told. It’s the scene depicting our celebration with our forgiving Father. Ten times in this one chapter...

Our Forgiving Father Embraces Us

Our Forgiving Father Embraces Us In the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:20, the father sees his younger son, is filled with compassion, runs to him, throws his arms around him, and kisses him repeatedly! This is not the biblical image of God that most committed...
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