by Bob | Sep 13, 2010 | Grace, Sin, Tim Challies
Satan’s Deception and Sins’ Deceit, by John Newton Since Satan masquerades as an angel of light, it should be no surprise that he attempts to deceive us into thinking that sin wears a pleasing face. Tim Challies introduced me to these insightful words by John Newton...
by Bob | Sep 11, 2010 | 9-11, Spiritual Friends
Let’s Roll! Lisa Beamer, Todd Beamer, and Spiritual Friendship In a spiritual crisis, what does a spiritual friend look like? How do spiritual friends turn you to Christ in a crisis? Lisa Beamer’s story provides a beautiful portrait. Lisa Beamer’s Story of Spiritual...
by Bob | Sep 10, 2010 | Kevin DeYoung, The Best of the Best
This Week’s Top Five: The Best of the Best Around the Net (9/10/10) The Big Idea: The Best of the Best Around the Net links you to the top five Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Resources to Confront...
by Bob | Sep 9, 2010 | Perpetua, Sacred Friendships, Women's Studies
The Road to Hope: Perpetua’s Story Note: The following post originally appeared in Sacred Friendships: Celebrating the Legacy of Women Heroes of the Faith which tells the story of over fifty remarkable Christian women. For Part One of this two-part post, read Not Your...
by Bob | Sep 8, 2010 | Perpetua, Sacred Friendships, Women, Women's Ministry, Women's Studies, Womens' Soul Care
Not Your Father’s Church History Note: The following post originally appeared in Sacred Friendships: Celebrating the Legacy of Women Heroes of the Faith which tells the story of over fifty remarkable Christian women. Listening to the Silenced Voices For far too long,...