If Heman Saw Two Very Different Counselors! Psalm 88 is known as “the Psalm of the Dark Night of the Soul.” It is the most lament-filled psalm of all the lament psalms. Imagine if Heman were seen by a counselor, or a soul physician, or a spiritual friend today. How...
A Word from Bob In a recent post, I asked you to imagine with me if Heman in Psalm 88 were to share his soul with a soulless counselor. You can read that post here: Psalm 88: “The Dark Night of the Soul.” If Heman Saw a Miserable Counselor. Also, you can download a...
Take a Deep Breath This morning I was just rereading Todd Stryd’s Journal of Biblical Counseling article from 2018: “Take a Deep Breath”— How Counseling Ministry Addresses the Body. It’s behind a paywall, but worth the price. I’ll share some quotes—not too many...
A Word from Bob Today’s post is “how not to counsel.” If you want to see the opposite, take a look at: If Heman Saw a Comforting Counselor. Also, you can download a free twenty-four page PDF of both posts, here: Biblical Counseling and the Dark Night of the Soul: If...
A Word From Bob Today’s post is a shortened version of 3 Nouthetic Cautions About Nouthetic Critiques of Others: From John Bettler. In that longer post, John Bettler asked, In our desire to biblically assess counseling models, have we been unfair to the views of...