by Bob | Jul 21, 2009 | Racial Reconciliation, Racism, Reconciliation
Seeing Race Relations through Christ-Colored GlassesThe incident involving the arrest of African American Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., seems like an all-too-familiar case of “he said/she said” complicated by the still contentious issues of race in American...
by Bob | Jul 21, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Christian Living, Christianity, Sanctification
Who I Am In Christ, Part FiveNote: Knowing our identity in Christ is vital to glorifying God, defeating the lies of Satan, and ministering powerfully. As you read the following summaries:*Meditate on the associated verses and on the truth they share about you.*Reject...
by Bob | Jul 20, 2009 | Christian Living, Christianity, Kellemen, The Best of Guide
Kellemen’s Christian The Best Of GuideThe Best of Web Sites for Christianity and the NewsKellemen’s Christian The Best of Guide: Making your life easier by finding, summarizing, evaluating, and posting the best resources on a wide variety of topics from a Christian...
by Bob | Jul 19, 2009 | Sacred Friendships, Women, Women's History, Women's Ministry, Women's Studies, Womens' Soul Care
Have You Heard about Sacred Friendships?Co-authors Bob Kellemen and Susan Ellis are excited to announce that pre-orders are now available for their book Sacred Friendships: Celebrating the Legacy of Women Heroes of the Faith. Sacred Friendships shares captivating...
by Bob | Jul 18, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Psychology, Book Review, Books, Christian Psychology, Emotions, Feelings
Review ofFaithful Feelings: Rethinking Emotion in the New TestamentBook Details:*Title: Faithful Feelings: Rethinking Emotion in the New Testament*Author: Matthew A. Elliott, Ph.D.*Publisher: Kregel Academic and Professional (2006)*Category: Theology, Emotions, New...