
BushismsIn today’s blog, I veer from my focus of comprehensive, compassionate, culturally-informed posts designed to equip you to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth.Instead, a little levity to start the year right.These “Bushisms,” or...

Christ All-Sufficient

Christ All-SufficientThe following Puritan Prayer from The Valley of Vision reminds us of the glorious grace of Christ.All thy lovingkindness is in thy Son,I bring him to thee in the arms of faith,I urge his saving name as the one who died for me.I plead his blood to...

God All-Sufficient

God All-SufficientThe following prayer is from The Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan prayers.”O Lord of Grace,The world is before this day,And I am weak and fearful,but I look to You for strength;If I venture forth alone I stumble and fall,but on the...
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