by Bob | Apr 19, 2008 | Church History
Bitter or Better?The “buzz” of late has focused on one presidential candidate’s statement that during times of hardship, bitterness leads people to turn to God. Whether taken out of context or not, perhaps it will be helpful to reflect on someone in Church history who...
by Bob | Apr 18, 2008 | AACC, Biblical Counseling, Biblical Psychology, Christian Counseling, Kellemen
The Future of Biblical Counseling:Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part IIINote: Please read my April 17, 2008 blog for Part II of this post.Dream Number Eight: Biblical Counseling Will Be Holistic in TheoryBiblical counseling will focus on the full range of human nature...
by Bob | Apr 17, 2008 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Psychology, Christian Counseling, Kellemen
The Future of Biblical Counseling:Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part IINote: Please read my April 16, 2008 blog for Part I of this post.Dream Number Four: Biblical Counseling Will Be PositiveThe modern history of biblical counseling has all too often become enmeshed with...
by Bob | Apr 16, 2008 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Psychology, Christian Counseling, Kellemen
The Future of Biblical Counseling: Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part 1As I speak around the country on biblical counseling and spiritual formation, I’m frequently asked the question. “When you say ‘biblical counseling,’ you don’t mean ___________ do you?” Various people...
by Bob | Apr 10, 2008 | Jesus
American Idol Shouts to the Lord . . . Without Jesus . . .Last night the most viewed TV show in America, American Idol, hosted its second annual “Idol Gives Back” in hopes of raising over 100 million dollars for world-wide charities. The shocker? The...