by Bob | Jul 15, 2007 | Leadership, Tony Dungy
Quiet Strength: Book ReviewSuper Bowl championship coach Tony Dungy writes a tell-all book that the entire family can read. In fact, Dungy would not start his own bio with “super bowl championship coach.” Instead, he would begin it with...
by Bob | Jun 30, 2007 | African American, African American Soul Care, Beyond the Suffering, Black Church, Spiritual Direction
Caucasian Writer Co-Authors Book on African American Ministry *Note to My Blog Readers: Please feel free to forward this news release to your local newspapers.The Elephant in the RoomWhen Bob Kellemen offers seminars on his new book Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the...
by Bob | Jun 29, 2007 | Integration
Dissecting the Controversial High Court Decision[i]Should society be color-blind? Is the US Constitution color-blind? These are the questions debated by the US Supreme Court in their controversial June 28, 2007, decision striking down two school integration programs....
by Bob | Jun 28, 2007 | Family, Marriage
A Son MarriesOn Saturday, June 23, 2007, Shirley and I had the joy of celebration the wedding of our firstborn son, Josh to his new bride, Andi.Memories. Nostalgia. Josh’s birth, first months in Winona Lake while completing seminary. Move to Elyria, OH and nine...
by Bob | Jun 28, 2007 | Beyond the Suffering, Soul Physicians, Spiritual Friendship
Three Books for My BirthdayWhat more could I want for my next birthday than three books–especially if they are my own books! On August 1, my birthday, Beyond the Suffering will be released by Baker Books. That same day, BMH Books will release the revised third...