A Word from Bob: Last week I posted a special edition of the Friday 5 to Live By, highlighting blog post about Top Lists of 2019 Top Books. Additional similar lists have been posted this week, so now we have 12 Top Book Lists of 2019. Think of it as my “list of...
As this post publishes, I’m enjoying the fellowship of nearly 75 biblical counseling leaders from around the world. We’re gathered for the Annual Leadership Summit of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. The Confessional Statement of the Biblical Counseling Coalition...
Every year since 2012, I’ve collated a list of top/most important biblical counseling books. Several people asked me to collate those lists…and here you go. If my math is correct, you have links to 9 posts about the 137 Most Important Biblical Counseling Books:...
A Word from Bob: This week is a special edition of the Friday 5 to Live By. We’re highlighting blog post about Top Lists of 2019 Top Books. Think of it as my “list of lists,” or “my collation of collations.” You’ll find plenty of Christmas gift ideas for the book...
The Eighth Annual Edition If you’re a counselor, pastor, student, educator, one-another minister, small group leader, soul care provider, spiritual friend, spouse, or parent, you want to know the most helpful books about biblical counseling—books that seek to change...