7 Resources on a Theology of Biblical Counseling

A Word from Bob: I’ve taken today’s blog post on 7 Resources on a Theology of Biblical Counseling from The Annual Guide to Biblical Counseling Resources—2019 Edition which includes 690 resources on scores of biblical counseling and Christian living topics. The entire...

Murderer Called to Ministry

That’s quite a shocking headline, huh? “Murderer Called to Ministry.” Without any context, you might have one of several possible responses… “What! Some sins permanently disqualify a person from ministry. This is heresy, unsafe, and unwise!”  “Wow! What restorative...

Are You Overwhelmed with Sorrow Over Sin? Jesus Restores!

I’ll never forget his words. “Some sins are so deep that even the love of God can’t reach them.” My counselee knew that these were lies from Satan—the accuser of the brethren. Yet, he still struggled to receive Christ’s grace and forgiveness. An Exclamation Point on...
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