Truth & Love Blog
3 Christian Influences on Martin Luther King, Jr.
As we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, few are aware of the legacy of three Christians whose courageous lives influenced his life. Today we learn the rest of the story.
Pro-Civil Rights and Pro-Life
I find it fascinating that the same week we celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday, we also observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.
One-Another Ministry—Just the UPS Delivery Guy?
Could my counselee/parishioner/spiritual friend say this of me? “I experience you as a defending brother, cherishing mother, shepherding father, longing child, and proud mentor.”
Equipping for Ministry—Just a Brain Dump?
Far too much ministry training is just a brain dump. We act as if equipping for Christlike ministry involves opening the cranium and pouring in info.
8 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: The Lou Giglio Edition
Linking you to the top Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. This week I highlight posts related to the uproar over Pastor Lou Giglio’s invitation to offer the benediction at President Obama’s second inaugural ceremony.
God Redeeming His Bride
When I say, “church discipline,” what words come instantly into your mind?
7 Resources for Your Small Group Ministry
Each of the seven books that I’ve written include a built-in discussion guide for small group use. Many churches and para-church organizations are using these books in their small group ministry.
The “How-To” of Confronting in Wisdom & Love
How do we confront in wisdom and love? What does it look like in real life?
How Do We Confront in Wisdom and Love?
Perhaps one of the most difficulty aspects of any relationship and of biblical counseling is loving and wise confrontation. Unloving confrontation—that’s not too hard. Non-confrontation—that’s not too hard. But loving, wise confrontation—that’s hard.
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: 5 to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.