Truth & Love Blog
Two Quotes of Note
“He weaves all the grief and sadness into all the joys, and makes them something beautiful. . .”
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: 5 to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Free Resource: Pastoral Counselor Preparation
You can now download the complete paper (“Pastoral Counselor Preparation”) for free at the RPM Ministries Resource Page
Who Should Teach Pastors to Counsel?
What credentials do you believe a professor needs to have in order to equip pastors to counsel in the church?
Equipping Pastors to Counsel
How do you effectively equip pastors to counsel?
People Will Summarize Your Life in a Sentence. Pick It Now.
People Will Summarize Your Life in a Sentence. Pick It Now.
7 Ultimate Questions
In ministry, when real people ask you real life questions, where do you turn for ultimate answers?
In Light of the Election: Live the Gospel
This younger generation will never respond if we refuse to engage them about real life and real problems.
“Big Shots” Who Act Like “Little Shots”
I have great respect for the “big shot” who still sees himself (or herself) as a “little shot.” I have a hard time with the “big shot” who insists on acting the part.
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: The Election Edition
Today, being election day in the US, we focus on posts related to the Christian and the political process.