Truth & Love Blog
100+ Recommended Resources
For November, the BCC E-Source Connection provides links to over 100 recommended resources on over a dozen Christian living topics.
Refuse to Live in Circumstances; Live in a Vision
Indianapolis Colts coach, Chuck Pagano, battling leukemia, shared this amazing post-game message with his young team after their come-from-behind victory today.
Brothers, We Should Stink
How can we return pastoral ministry to the shepherding focus of Jesus?
How to Train Pastors to Counsel
If you are a seminary-trained pastor, how would you evaluate the training you received to be a pastoral counselor?
Kathy Keller Reviews A Year of Biblical Womanhood
At The Gospel Coalition, Kathy Keller has posted a hotly-discussed (174 comments thus far), frequently-liked (3,244 “Likes” as of this moment), and predominantly critical review of Rachel Held Evans’ A Year of Biblical Womanhood.
Brothers, We Are Not Superstars: By Daniel L. Akin
Tragically, today, when it comes to the ministry, the standards and criteria for success are too often culled from the world, and not from the Word of God.
Halloween or Reformation Day? Martin Luther’s Story
On October 31, 1517, a thirty-three year old man dressed as a monk strolled to the door of the Castle Church in the small town of Wittenberg, Germany not to cry out, “Trick or Treat,” but to nail to that door a parchment listing his deeply held theological convictions.
Robust Content and Relational Connection: CCEF 2012, Part 2
I thought CCEF had a brilliant balance of planned time of content (plenary sessions and breakout workshops) along with planned free time for reflection, rest, and relationship.
Robust Content and Relational Connection: CCEF 2012
I just returned from five days at the 2012 CCEF National Conference on Guilt and Shame. Two phrases sum up the entire week for me: robust content and relational connection. Interestingly, those same two phrases summarize for me the nature of truly biblical counseling: robust content and relational connection.
6 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: The Pro-Life Edition
Linking you to the top 6 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Today we focus on posts that interact with the statements made by U.S. Senate candidate in Indiana, Richard Mourdock.