Truth & Love Blog

The New You

What is the new you like in Christ? You have a new want to and a new can do. You’re new nature wants to and is able to do God’s will. You’re now on God’s wavelength.

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I See Resurrected People

When we fail to understand salvation by grace through faith, then we end up counseling Christians as if they were non-Christians. As if they were still spiritually dead people.

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Paul Ryan’s Pro Life Convictions

The freedom to choose is pointless for someone who does not have the freedom to live. So the right of “choice” of one human being cannot trump the right to “life” of another.

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5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week

Today is a special Gospel Coalition Edition. The Gospel Coalition provides a platform for a wide array of leading Evangelical bloggers. I encourage you to link to their site and visit often. Here’s a sampling of five recent blogs that you can find at TGC.

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Jesus Will Meet You There

Where do you need Christ’s comforting presence? Where do you long for God to create beauty out of the ashes of your life?

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Toxic Relationship

We all know the biblical description of agape love from 1 Corinthians 13. Pam and Bill Farrell, in their book, 10 Best Decisions a Single Can Make, paraphrase that passage to define “toxic relationships.”

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What About Bob?

I’ve received a number of emails from regular readers who are wondering why I have not posted recently. It’s good to know that I’m missed!

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