Truth & Love Blog

Pastoral Counsel to the Couple

This afternoon I have the honor and responsibility to officiate at my nephew’s wedding. Here are some of the words of counsel I will share with them.

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The Road to Hope: Perpetua’s Story

The day of their victory dawned, and with joyful countenances they marched from the prison to the arena as though on their way to heaven. If there was any trembling, it was from joy, not fear

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Do Christians “Pick and Choose” Which Bible Rules They Obey?

Do Christians “Pick and Choose” Which Bible Rules They Obey? By Tim Keller  The following excellent article first appeared in Redeemer Presbyterian Church’s monthly Redeemer Report. It then was re-posted at The Gospel Coalition.    Tim Keller is the Senior Pastor of...

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Which Book Should I Read First?

“I just purchased and received your seven-book-bundle. Thank you so much for your ministry. I am a pastor and just beginning to study and implement biblical counseling in my church. I’m wondering what you would recommend as far as which book to read in what order?”

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The Restoration of All Things

The miracles of Jesus are signs of the right order of things. Jesus was not so much turning things upside down as turning them rightside up.

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Resources for Your Ministry

This week at the Biblical Counseling Coalition’s Grace & Truth blog site, they’re sharing a mini-series in partnership with Covenant Eyes.

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