Truth & Love Blog
Independence Day Freedom
Independence Day Freedom Note: I've developed today's post from my book Soul Physicians. Your Spiritual July 4th As we celebrate Independence Day in the US, are you celebrating your freedom in Christ? Or, do you ever wonder why that same besetting sin repeatedly...
The Gospel in Pictures
Here’s a powerful and creative look at redemptive history via classical art. Enjoy the Gospel Story in 3 minutes of art and narrative.
A Prayer for Sunday Worship: Athanasius’ Dying Prayer
On May 2, 373, Athanasius—the famous Bishop of Alexandria and the champion of Trinitarian theology—prayed this prayer on his deathbed.
Love After Loneliness
Light after darkness, gain after loss, Strength after suffering, crown after cross. Sweet after bitter, song after sigh…
The Top 5 Christian Blog Posts of the Week
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Fun with Family and Friends
I submit that: There is nothing more spiritual than richly enjoying family and friends.
Free Equipping Teaching Resources
To make it easy for you to use Equipping Counselors for Your Church in your ministry, I’ve placed online a free 64-page teaching resource.
Biblical Counseling Personal Information Form
Today we answer the question, “What information do you want to obtain from a first time counselee and in what form?”
How to Authorize Release of Information
What do you do if a church member is seeing a professional counselor, psychiatrist, or medical doctor, and also seeing you as a pastor or church-based counselor?
A Prayer for Sunday Worship: Pray without Ceasing
G. K. Chesterton exemplifies what it means to “pray without ceasing.”